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      A peculiar percussion instrument
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      We have a musical instrument that we are proud of on this island of Java, but apparently there is an instrument on the southern continent as well which makes music by slapping it. It is used on ceremonies. The way of making sound is apparently unusual. This request is to investigate about that. Please go to Kakadu.
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                1. Kakadu - speak with rest house master
                2. Australia Northwest Coast - Near the Mammal Bones use Observe and Search

                1. A ceremonial instrument
                An instrument with a strange method of producing sound, eh.., Ah, I think I know what you're talking about. It's this instrument that we use for our coming of age rituals. First we dig a hole and pour water into it, and then we stick the instrument in there.
                The instrument has notches cut into it and the sound it produces change depending on how much water soaks into it. A skilled player can use it. A skilled player can use it to make a wide range of ever-changing sounds.

                2. A peculiar percussion instrument
                There is a musical instrument played in this region that uses water to produce sound. The instrument has notches cut into it and is soaked in water to change the pitch of the sound it produces. I was told that it is used for coming of age rituals so I doubt there is one in town anywhere. I should go search for one in the land to the west of here.

                Discovery Reward :
                Adventure exp 624

                Card Reward :
                Water Drums Adventure exp 312

                Reporting Reward :
                Quest Mediation Permit Adventure exp 300, Adventure fame 100

                  • Discovery
                  • Water Drums ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:624 Fame:260
                    An instrument used in rites of passage when boys become men. A hole is dug in the ground and filled with water. The drum is placed on it to vary the sound by raising and lowering it in the water.

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