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      Powerful poison
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      You found a poisonous snake on the southeast continent, didn't you... I have another job that can only be done by someone like you. There is a man who was apparently attacked by a poisonous snake on that continent. I think you can do follow-up research if this is the same snake as before, but there is nothing to lose even if it is a different snake. Go ask the Kakadu town official.
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                  Venomous Snake Map Tiger Snake

                  1. Kakadu - Talk to City Official (5x)

                  2. Australia Northwest Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research near the White Flowers in the southeast.

                  Something to be confirmed
                  So you're willing to investigate a poisonous snake? Then please allow me to ask you about the snake you discovered before. I want to verify whether or not it's the same animal as the one I've received a report about.

                  A different snake
                  Well, it appears that there are significant differences in their appearances. It probably wouldn't be wrong to think of them as two different types of snakes. The one I want you to investigate doesn't have stripes like you said. And its whole body is covered in brown scales. As for how much harm it's caused...

                  Slithering movement
                  Two sailors were exploring the land to the southwest of here. After finishing a part of their work, one of them caught a rabbit. With his catch still in hand, he entered a thicket to gather some firewood before preparing it for cooking. Then... he thought he saw something slithering at his feet...

                  Amazing speed
                  Apparently, this happened in the blink of an eye. A snake leaped into the air with incredible speed and bit the rabbit in his hand. The sailor was very frightened and ran away. When both sailors returned there again a little later, they saw that the rabbit was already dead. If it was killed by a single bite wound, I'd definitely say that the snake was venomous.

                  One bit is all it takes
                  So it attacked instantly. All I can say is that you should be very careful. One bite may be the end of you. Pay the utmost attention and investigate that poisonous snake.

                  Investigation of venomous snake
                  The venomous snake that lives in the land to the southwest of Kakadu is covered completely in brown scales. It can apparently launch an attack with unbelievable speed. And its bite is fatal. Pay extremely close attention and investigate the snake.

                    • Discovery
                    • Taipan ★★ (Large creature) Exp:320 Fame:160
                      A snake that can grow longer than 3 meters. When it finds its prey, it attacks very quickly and kills with its deadly poison. Even humans are likely to die if bitten.

                      Powerful poison.

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