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      Free living seaweed
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Try to imagine seaweed gently moving in the waves. Like they are dancing... But what if they were moving completely independently from the waves? In Kakadu, there is a man who says he saw seaweed like this. I would like you investigate whether this man's story is true. Go ask the Port Official about how to sail to Kakadu
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                            1. Jakarta - speak with Port Official
                            2. Kakadu - speak with Resident
                            3. Kakadu - speak with Seafarer
                            4. Kakadu - speak with Resident (x3)
                            7. Perth Sea Basin - at around corrdinates 5470,6310 use Observe to verify then Ecological Research to discover


                            [IMG16,Obtained info]
                            1. Course as far as Kakadu
                            Then you're going to Kakadu? Head straight southeast from this town and you'll reach the mainland. Then sail along the land to the northeast until you see a town. I think you'll have to travel quite some distance, though. Please don't attempt this journey until you're fully prepared.

                            2. I won't tell you
                            So you believe my story about that seaweed? No matter who I tell, nobody believes me. Even the Sailors who went with me there think I'm off my rocker... What? You say you don't necessarily believe me either? Crikey! Alright then, I won't tell you anything. What gives...

                            3. A lie can be expedient
                            You're asking about seaweed? In that case, there's someone from this town... Oh... you made him angry? I haven't seen anything myself, so there's nothing at all I can tell you. But that one, he's rather simple chap. Just say "I believe you." and I'm sure he'll tell you everything without even resisting.

                            4. Make a hasty judgement
                            You again? I've got nothing to say to you... Oh... You believe me? But a short while ago... Oh, you don't say? Then I jumped to the wrong conclusion! Ha, that's completely different all together. Then I'll tell you everything I know.

                            5. If it was swimming
                            I went on an excursion with some Sailors here. We headed continously southwest along the mainland, reached the westernmost point and then went straight south. But, as we were sailing, I accidentally fell into the sea. It was nice and warm, so I thought I'd just have a swim. But since my legs got tangled in seaweed, I felt quite uncomfortable and peered into the water...

                            6. Moving on its own
                            I though some seaweed about the size of my palm had torn off and was floating away. But it was going in a different direction than the waves. After looking carefully, I noticed it was fluttering slightly. It was quite creepy, so I returned to the boat quickly. When I told the Sailors, they wouldn't even listen. Ruined my day, it did.

                            7. Investigation of seaweed that moves on its own
                            The seaweed seen by the man from Kakadu was fluttering slightly and moving against the waves. Perhaps it wasn't a plant at all. Go to the west coast of the continent Kakadu is on. Then investigate the moving seaweed.

                              • Discovery
                              • Sea Dragon ★★★ (Marine creature) Exp:451 Fame:205
                                An animal that looks a lot like seaweed. It protects itself by pretending to be the surrounding seaweed. It eats small shrimp and fish.

                                around 5466,6280

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