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      Bible of Priest Hortrey
      No Expiration
      Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
      Are you very familiar with the religions of India? It's said there are four sacred text in Hinduism. We received a request to investigate about the oldest of them. Only an official who supervises rituals would probably know about this, so why not ask someone connected to a temple in Calicut?
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                        Calicut - Speak with Temple Staff
                        Calicut Archives - Speak with Scholar
                        Calicut Archives - Observe And Search on the library on the right.

                        Bible of Priest Hortrey
                        Bible of Priest Udgartary 4 6 1 The Sama Veda
                        Bible of Priest Advalu 4 6 1 The Yajur Veda
                        The supreme Hindu god 5 7 1 The Statue of Brahma

                        Weapon that pierced a demon god 12 14 12 Vajra
                        The greatest goddess 5 7 1 Sarasvati Statue

                        [IMG16,Obtained info]
                        1. Praises to the gods
                        The religious text that you seek are the Vedas. There are four, the oldest being the Rigveda. They are all hymns and contain revelations of god. The Rigveda is used during rituals to invite gods to the altar. A scholar in the city is researching this.

                        2. Composition of Veda
                        The Vedas were put together over a log period of time. Originally they were secret, passed along only by word of mouth. Rituals were complex and elaborate. Many transcripts and interpretations have appeared over the years that the study of it is no ordinary feat.

                        3. Communicating with the gods
                        The religious text known as the Vedas is a collection of complex knowledge for the purpose of communicating with God. A scholar in calicut is studying it so go and search for it in the library.

                        Quest Mediation Permit


                        The Rigveda


                        발견시 경험치 390, 카드 경험치 97, 베다
                        보고시 경험치 150, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

                          • Discovery
                          • The Rigveda ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:390 Fame:180
                            One of the holy texts of the Hindu religion. It is a collection of eulogies to the gods which the Hotr priests would chant at religious festivals to invite the gods.

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