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      God who brings chaos
      No Expiration
      Saint-Georges Adventurer's Guild
      There's a tribe living to the east of here known as the Yoruba. They have at least 1700 different gods appearing in their myths. Among them, there's supposedly a god who brings strife down upon humankind. I'd like you to investigate about this god. You should find someone knowledgeable about this in Sao Tome. Ask around at tavern there.
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              [IMG19,Quest guide]
              1. Sao Tome - Customer
              2. Sao Tome - Young Man
              3. Africa North Gulf of Guinea - Landing point nort-east of Sao Tome Observe Search

              [IMG16,Obtained info]
              1. God with whom the most care must be taken
              That would be Eshu. Sacrifices are equired for rituals that link the spiritual and human realms. They say that he likes to incite arguments. Find the person in the city who knows more about this.

              2. God who starts conflict
              Well just the other day my parents told me that he carries a cane and a pipe for the purpose of tricking people. The god Eshu controls direction at crossroads. Go to the opposite shore in the north-east of the city and you might find traces of Yoruba rituals.

              3. God acting as go-between for gods and men
              Eshu is the Yoruba god mostly worshipped during rituals. You might find something by looking near the landing point on the opposite shore north-east of Sao Tome. Search the human bones north of the landing point.

              Quest Mediation Permit

              African God Amulet

              The Statue of Eshu

              발견시 경험치 220, 카드 경험치 55, 아프리카신의 부적
              보고시 경험치 110, 명성 120, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                • Discovery
                • The Statue of Eshu ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:220 Fame:95
                  A statue of Eshu, a god of the Yoruba people of Africa. The god of lunar and solar eclipse, and many other things.

                  Meng Meng
                  in Sao Tome, talk to Customer (Tavern)
                  in Sao Tome, talk to Young Man (near Market)
                  in Africa North Gulf of Guinea, use Observe and Search (East of Saint-Georges)
                  Report quest

                  Why are you repeating something that is already stated in quest description? I doesnt make you look smarter

                  Due north of the center set of human bones.

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