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  • Africa North Gulf of Guinea
    Africa North Gulf of Guinea
    Africa North Gulf of Guinea
    Africa North Gulf of Guinea
  • Africa North Gulf of Guinea 1

FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
UWO WIKI http://unchartedwaters.wikia.com/wiki/Official_Uncharted_Waters_Wiki

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
Piece of Temple Map 1 8
Bizarre Stone Map 2 1 Snail Patterned Stone
Bizarre Stone Map 2 1 Snail Patterned Stone
Bizarre Stone Map 2 1 Snail Patterned Stone
Treasure Map 1 5
Long Neck Animal Map 2 9 Giraffe
Treasure Map 1
A different kind of dragon 1 3 5 1 Bones of Dragon with Fin
Monkey with a frightening face 6 8 1 Mandrill
Search for the African elephant 1 5 7 1 African Elephants 2
A different kind of dragon 1 3 5 1 Bones of Dragon with Fin
Monkey with a frightening face 6 8 1 Mandrill
Search for the African elephant 1 5 7 1 African Elephants 2
A different kind of dragon 1 3 5 1 Bones of Dragon with Fin
Dance of the earth 5 7 1 African Buffalo
Dark shadow in the forest 4 6 1 Gorilla 2
Search for the African elephant 1 5 7 1 African Elephants 2
Giant antelope in the forest 3 9 11 1 Antelope
Hunting dogs 13 5 7 1 Serval
A different kind of dragon 1 3 5 1 Bones of Dragon with Fin
Dark shadow in the forest 4 6 1 Gorilla 2
Monkey with a frightening face 6 8 1 Mandrill
Search for the African elephant 1 5 7 1 African Elephants 2
The Holy Grove 6 8 1 Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
Shamen of Africa 1 8 10 8 Yoruba Priest's Mask
Giant antelope in the forest 3 9 11 1 Antelope
Giant antelope in the forest 3 9 11 1 Antelope
Yoruba Myths 2 1 3 1 The Statue of Olorun
The god who gave death 4 2 4 2 The Statue of Zoco
God who brings chaos 3 2 4 2 The Statue of Eshu
Feathers of the helmeted guineafowl 1 4 6 1 Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Nomad Ants 6 8 1 Driver Ant
A bird that can speak 1 5 7 1 The African Grey Parrot 1
Creation story of the Yoruba 2 7 9 7 The Statue of Oduduwa
A Mysterious Venomous Snake 7 9 1 Black-Necked Cobra 1
Africa Travelogue 5 7 1
Africa Travelogue 5 7 1

Mobs: Thief lvl 10, Eueka Bandit lvl 13, Venin Thief lvl 12

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