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      Yoruba Myths
      No Expiration
      Saint-Georges Adventurer's Guild
      A tribe known as the Yoruba live in the lands to he east. They have at least 1700 differentd goods appearin in their myths. I want you to investigate their stories. As they live nearby, I'm sure that someone in this town is knowledgeable on the subject. Why not ask around at a tavern?
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              [IMG19,Quest guide]
              1. Saint-Georges - Talk to Resident
              2. Sao Tome - Talk to Market keeper
              3. Africa North Gulf of Guinea - Landing Point north-east of Sao Tome Observe Search

              [IMG16,Obtained info]
              1. The human who was once immortal
              Welli know a bit about Yoruba mythology. Olorun is the highest god; the sky god. Human destiny is in the control of Oloru. According the myths, humans were immortal and death was attained through desire to seek Olorun. In Sao Tome there's someone who knows much more.

              2. People who longed for death
              There are many Yoruba in this city. I am one myself. According to the myths, humans did not die, but they did not cease to age. And no matter how old, people did not die. So people beseeched Olorun and Olorun allowed them to die when they god old. You can find traces of ritual sites on the shore across from the city

              3. Ultimate god of the Yoruba
              Land on the opposite shore north-east from Sao Tome and you will find traces of Yoruba ritual sites. Focus your search around the human bones in he north-west.

              Quest Mediation Permit

              African God Amulet

              The Statue of Olorun

              발견시 경험치 180, 카드 경험치 45, 아프리카신의 부적
              보고시 경험치 90, 명성 100, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

                • Discovery
                • The Statue of Olorun ★ (Religious legacy) Exp:180 Fame:75
                  A statue of Olorun, the greatest god of the Yoruba people of Africa. Said to rule over 401 gods. In the beginning, the world was only sea, and Olorun merged with the sea to create Oduduwa and Obatala, whom he then made to create land and people.

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