- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Revival of the Trojan war
No Expiration
Naples Adventurer's Guild
Here's a job from Michelangelo. That right arm of Laocoon you discovered has been safely delivered to Venice, but Michelangelo refuses to do the repair work. He wants you to do it instead. I don't know what he's thinking, but you'd better have a talk with him.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005070][ZONE:90005077] - Michelangelo 2 times
2.[ZONE:90005101] - Bookstand
3.[ZONE:90005101] - Bookstand
※ [DBLINK:01600911] Need 5 pieces
4.[ZONE:90005101] - Search (Near Bookstand)
[IMG:23](Current Quest)
[IMG:01] 1. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
I was speechless when I heard about what you did. Instead of searching for what was believed to already have been excavated right arm, you went and dug for it. I'll have to say that I'm very impressed... that's why I've got another request for you.
[IMG:01] 2. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
You're not bad in the industrial arts from what I hear. I would really like to see your skills. The statue and the arm are both at the church. If you can successfully restore the statue I am willing to grant you the first grade artist certification.
[IMG:02] 3. Venice Church - Bookstand
The arm and body parts have eroded after so many years and won't fit in place so easily. I'll need some marble in order to attach these together properly...
[IMG:02] 4. Venice Church - Bookstand (Need 5 Marble)
After mending it with marble, the join worked.
[IMG:06] 5. Venice Church - Search (Near Bookstand)
It looks we fixed the Laocoon statue. We should run a "Search" to make sure we didn't miss anything.
발견시 경험치: 910, 발견물 카드 획득 경험치: 227,
보고시 경험치: 450, 보고시 명성: 300, 일급 예술가 인정서 획득
- Discovery
Laocoon ★★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:1183 Fame:455
The complete statue of Laocoon unearthed in Rome. The ferocity of divine punishment is evident in his writhing body and pained facial expression.

Fully updated the quest chain needed to get the "Artist" job card

is there anyway to got this quest if i dont have Handy skill?

@Nicola : Nope, except of course accepting it from fleet admiral.

If the fleet admiral doesn't have handi but a fleet member has, will it prevent the quest from spawning ?

it should popup, cuz handi is passive skill

@Zion, no you are wrong, this quest you need both art r13 and handy r8. The possibility for pop up without one of those skills above are 0.
I dont remember if the art rank is a must; but I'm sure that handicrafts is a must to pull this quest; I personally had to train handicrafts to be able to pull it.

Is this a repeatable quest, or is it a one-time only quest (barring the loss of the discovery card)?
I chanced upon this quest without Handicraft skill and in unfavoured job (Court Gardener job). I could take the quest without problems. I am at adv lv67, adv fame 262616.
Confirmed can be pulled without Handicraft skill (helps better with 'Take Quest by Destination') as long as you have r11 search and r13 art.
The problem is you really need r8 Handicraft when you want to complete the quest
Leeching people handicraft still works though
By using
Letter of Appreciation from Seafarers and selecting the Endorsement benefit for x1 Letter item, it is possible to acquire the Artist job card from an NPC fleet led by "Alonso de Suniga" (Google Translation; Spanish flagged NPC fleet) in the Chile Sea Basin. Alonso tends to sail around (to? from?) Ushuaia. Other yet to be identified NPC fleets in the world may drop this card as well; it's a decent 'shortcut' if you haven't done the quest chain yet to get the card, though I imagine eventually you'll still want to do so anyway. Cheers.
Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?RescueNPC
My alt pulled this with R11 Search, R1 (one) Art and no Handicraft skill. I had all reqs in fleet with alt.
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