How do I get one of these?

Total LV :116 / Adventure 48 / Trade 0 / Battle 0
City 1: Naples (9 star)
Quest 1: Restoration of famous items
Skills 1: Search 11, Art 13, Handicraft 8
Adventurer Fame 50000
City 2: Naples (9 star)
Quest 2: Revival of the Trojan war
Skills 2: Italian, Handicraft 8
Adventurer Fame 50000
By using
Letter of Appreciation from Seafarers and selecting the Endorsement benefit for x1 Letter item, it is possible to acquire the Artist job card from an NPC fleet led by "Alonso de Suniga" (Google Translation; Spanish flagged NPC fleet) in the Chile Sea Basin. Alonso tends to sail around (to? from?) Ushuaia. Other yet to be identified NPC fleets in the world may drop this card as well; it's a decent 'shortcut' if you haven't done the quest chain yet to get the card, though I imagine eventually you'll still want to do so anyway. Cheers.
Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?RescueNPC
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