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        Spear of the sun god
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        I read about the Irish Sun God Lugh that you delivered...
        It apears the Priest in Dublin knows something about this.
        ...Something's not right.
        •  Member
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                    1. Dublin Church - Talk to Priest
                    2. Dublin Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
                    3. Dublin Tavern - Talk to Seafarer
                    4. London Archives - read Archaeology
                    5. London Archives - Talk to Scholar

                    Sun god of Ireland 1 12
                    Currently here
                    Dana's hometown 1 1 14
                    Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword
                    Letters engraved on the sword 1 1 14
                    Brionac 12 14 12 Brionac

                    Lugh's spear is...
                    Oh, the spear of the sun god Lugh? Why, that's Brionac... Uh, nothing! I know absolutely nothing! If there's anything else that's more trouble, please don't involve me in it...

                    Five points
                    Brionac? Wasn't that the spear used by Lugh? It had fire separate points. And, when thrown, each point took aim at an enemy. It was a magic spear that sent out heat and light as it flew through the air. Hmm, maybe that Sailor over there knows something, too?

                    Long armed Lugh
                    Lugh was also known as "Lugh the Long Armed". When he threw Brionac, it looked like he was stretched his arms out to topple his enemies. It's said that Brionac was brought by the people of Danann from islands to the south... But, if you want to know more, maybe you should read some books on archaeology at the London archives.

                    For treasures of the Tuatha De Danann
                    It's said that people of Danann brought Claimh Solais, Lia Fail, Brionac and Uinde from four island cities to the south. They ued the power of these treasures to defeat the Fomorians and rule over the island of Erin. They were later defeated by the Milesians and left for Tir Na Nog on the other side of the sea.

                    The southern island and Tir na n-og
                    Tir Na Nod is the land the people of Danann left for and their island home to the south. No one knows any more where that could have been. But, if you discover where their homeland is, you can probably learn something about their treasures.

                    Spear of the sun god
                    Lugh's spear was called Brionac. It was one of the treasures brought by the people of Danann from their island home to the south. It's said that, after they were defeated by the Milesians, they left for Tir Na Nog on the other side of the sea.

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