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              No Expiration
              Venice Adventurer's Guild
              To summarise, we know now that the Irish Dana and the Sisia Dana are somehow related. You should go check Istanbul, which is close to Sisia and is the entryway into the Black Sea. If you make this discovery, it'll make you famous!
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                      1. Istanbul - Talk to Rest House Master
                      2. Istanbul - Talk to Customer
                      3. Istanbul Archives - Talk to Scholar
                      4. Southwest Salonika - Use Observe and Search near the Giant Dead Tree on the south.

                      Sun god of Ireland 1 12
                      Spear of the sun god 1 13
                      Dana's hometown 1 1 14
                      Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword
                      Letters engraved on the sword 1 1 14
                      Currently here


                      King Dana 1

                      Home of the celts
                      Sisia is a Celtic land that lies north of the Black Sea. The Celtic people came from the across the seas in the east and established Sisia. However, it was invaded by other tribes and most of the people fled westward. Why don't you talk to that sailor over there?

                      To distant Erin in the west
                      Danann is the most famous in Sisia. He received a prophecy from a druid which led him to move his people far west to the abundant land of Erin. He borrowed the treasures Claimh Solais, Lia Fail, Brionac and a cauldron... I wonder if they ever made it safely to Erin.

                      Tree where the spear of the sun god sleeps
                      Danann and his people as well as the four treasures never returned from Erin. However, Brionac, the sword dedicated to the Sisian god of light was hidden on their way west. The rest are believed to be near Thassaloniki... apparently where a large tree grows...

                      Although the Brionac that Danann took to Erin no longer exists, the Brionac that was dedicated to the god of light should. We should look around the area where a large tree existed southeast of Thessaloniki.

                      Quest Mediation Permit



                        • Discovery
                        • Brionac ★★★★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:1209 Fame:465
                          One of the four treasures of Celtic Mythology. Carried by the sun god Lugh. A spear that shot light, it could bring down five enemies at once. From the sight of him wielding this spear, Lugh was known as Lugh of the Long Arm.

                          1. Istanbul - talk to Rest house master
                          2. Istanbul - talk to Customer
                          3. Istanbul - talk to Scholar
                          4. Southwest Salonika - near Giant Dead Tree south of the map

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