- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Alluring fur
No Expiration
Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
You must be used to looking for creatures by now, so here's a job for you: the Craftsman in Oslo is looking for a badger-like animal of some kind. Ask him in person for the details.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
[IMG19,Quest guide]
Oslo - 대장장이와 대화
Copenhagen - 도시관리와 교역소 사이 골목의 세공사와 대화
Copenhagen - 교회 옆의 나무꾼과 대화
Lubeck Tavern - 주점주인과 대화
Lubeck Tavern - 교역상과 대화
Baltic Sea South-West - 폐허 부근에서
Observe Ecological Research [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. Oslo Craftsman
There is said to be an animal living there which looks just like a weasel with a beautiful coat of fur. I thought that its fur could be used to make ornamentation. But I'm still in the thought stages, and I'm not asking you to go and get some fur.
For now , go to Copenhagen to see if there is any information to be had.

2. Copenhagen Worksmith
I'm not sure... I've never heard of or seen such a weasel. If I knew of an animal with such a beautiful coat, I would not hesitate to make ornamentation out of its fur. A lumberjack in this town might know something.

3. Copenhagen Lumberjack
I heard a story about an animal like that when I went to Lubeck on a job. but I was drinking at the time, so I don't know if it's true. It's not far from here, so why not go to the bar in Lubeck and ask?

4. Lubeck Bartender
If it's that animal you are interested in, ask the seafarer sitting over there. That bloke will try to turn every discussion into a business proposition, so forget about just asking where it lives.

5. Lubeck Seafarer
Ah yes, there are some weasels that have especially beautiful fur. If it were possible to get a stable supply of that fur, it would make a great business. ...Where does it live? According to a story I heard from a fellow tradesman, you can find it inland east of here.

6. 털이 아름다운 동물의 조사
그 동물의 모피는 장사가 될 정도로 아름답다고 한다. 뤼베크의 도시에서 동쪽의 육지에서 서식하고 있는 것 같다. 상륙해서 조사해 보자.
Quest Mediation Permit
Mink's Fur
European Mink
발견시 경험치 435, 카드 경험치 108, 밍크 모피
보고시 경험치 140, 명성 150, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득
- Discovery
European Mink ★★★ (Small creature) Exp:478 Fame:220
Its hair is dark brown to black, with white stripes on the lips. It is nocturnal, and eats small living things such as birds, mammals, and fish.
The Worksmith is on the middle of the town, making the step on the quest's guide here false.