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Summons from musketeers
No Expiration
Marseille Maritime Guild
Do you know about the Musketeers?
Because of the progess of guns dominate the sate of war.
Those who use the gun as their main weapon and fight are called Musketeers. They are looking for people for the Musketeers who have a sturdy arm. And thus you were recommended. Duke Guise would like to talk to you



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Marseilles Imperial Villa Speak to Duke of Guise ×3
Genoa Speak to Gatekeeper
Northwest Genoa Search for 5 landbattle npc's 3 Scort and 2 Musketeer lv 50 all. After win the battle the fifth dialogue is completed
Marseilles Imperial Villa Speak to Duke of Guise
[IMG16,Obtained info]

1. The crack troops whos deserted
The musketeers are an elite unit, the pride of our nation,but quite a few leave, because of the harshness of the training and rules. I normally woundn't take any notice at all, but this time is different. It was reported few days ago that a number of elite musketeers colluded to disapper. They were all excellent marksmen and hand sworn firm oaths of loyalty to our country

2. The subduing of the musketeers elites
The gatekeepers of the gates leading to the outskirts of Genoa are looking for them. Also, because they are olso looking into the actions of the musketeers, you should use information from the gatekeepers to help you to defeat the...

3. 총사대 정예가 있는 곳
녀석들의 위치는 제노바교외로 이어지는 문의 문지기가 알고 있다. 또한 동향도 알아보고 있으니 문지기의 정보를 토벌에 활용하도록 하게. 총사대의 불명예이긴 하나 자네의 힘이 필요해. 부탁하네.

4. 총사와 호위병
의뢰를 받은 자로군…. 녀석들은 북쪽의 폐허 근처에서 목격되었어. 총사뿐만이 아니라 총의 이점을 살리도록 호위 병사도 데리고 있다구. 쉽게 쓰러뜨릴 수 있는 상대가 아니야 …. 토벌에 성공하면 다시 한번 기즈님을 찾아가게. 아무쪽록 방심하지 않도록

5. 의뢰 완료
탈주한 총사의 토벌에 성공했다. 마르세이유의 기즈 공작께 보고하자.

6. 의뢰 완료
토벌…, 잘 되었나! …귀하의 그 실력, 꼭 총사대에서 필요하다네… 수고했네. 보수는 조합에서 받도록 하게.
Musketeers Endorsement
보고시 경험치 80, 명성 40, 총사대 추천장 획득
Should be 30k.
According to Japanese wiki, you also need to have E Coast of Latin America port permit to get this quest. I didn't have it and i couldn't leech it. It says:
"You do not have the port permits necessary to be introduced to the quest "Summons from musketeers." undertaken by the Admiral."
That was interesting. I found this quest although I have no snipping skill at all. I had french/italian on me and aide, and more than 350k battle fame (it's my feeling that high fame helps with rare/job quests but I've heard people disagree, so idk).
I was also able to complete it on my own, meaning snipping isn't needed for any of the clues.