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      Summons from musketeers
      No Expiration
      Marseille Maritime Guild
      Do you know about the Musketeers?
      Because of the progress of guns, guns dominate the state of war. Those who use the gun as their main weapon and fight are called Musketeers. They are looking for people for the Musketeers who have a sturdy arm. And thus you were recommended. Duke Guise would like to talk to you.
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                  1. Marseilles Imperial Villa - Speak to Duke of Guise x3
                  4. Genoa - Speak to Gatekeeper
                  5. Northwest Genoa - Defeat 5 landbattle npc's 3 Escort and 2 Musketeer lv50 all near the ruins to the north.
                  6. Marseilles Imperial Villa - Speak to Duke of Guise

                  1. The crack troops whos deserted
                  The musketeers are an elite unit, the pride of our nation, but quite a few left, because of the harshness of the training and rules. I normally woundn't take any notice at all, but this time is different. It was reported few days ago that a number of elite musketeers colluded to disapper. They were all excellent marksmen and hand sworn firm oaths of loyalty to our country

                  2. The subduing of the musketeers elites
                  Whatever the reason for their escape, they have based themselves on the outskirts of Genoa and are repeatedly pillaging in nearby towns. They must be put down immediately. But if we send members of the same Musketeers against them, there is a strong danger that they will see through our plans and traps us. That is why I have been looking for people with the skills needed to defeat these men.

                  3. The position of the musketeer elites
                  The gatekeepers of the gates leading to the outskirts of Genoa are looking for them. Also, because they are also looking into the actions of the musketeers, you should use information from the gatekeepers to help you to defeat the musketeers. This matter has been mishandled by our country's Musketeers, but we are counting on your strength. Put them down!

                  4. Musketeers and guards
                  So you're the one who took the job... They have been sighted near the ruins to the north. Not all of them are Musketeers. Some of them are guard infantry, exploiting the advantage of their muskets. They will not be an easy enemy to defeat... Visit the Duke of Guise if you have succeeded in subduing them. You'll have to be extremely careful.

                  5. Subdued successfully (After win the battle)
                  You have succeeded in defeating the renegade Musketeers.

                  6. Request fulfilled
                  You have succeeded in defeating the renegade Musketeers. Report to the Duke of Guise in Marseilles.

                  7. Request fulfilled(When u reporting back to Duke of Guise)
                  So the hunt was a success then?
                  We'd love to have someone with your skill in the musketeers..
                  Thanks for all your hard work. You can receive your payment from the Guild.


                  Quest Reporting Reward :
                  Musketeers Endorsement , 80 Battle Exp, 40 Battle Fame

                      how much battle fame?

                      Ming Mei
                      Should be 30k.

                      According to Japanese wiki, you also need to have E Coast of Latin America port permit to get this quest. I didn't have it and i couldn't leech it. It says:

                      "You do not have the port permits necessary to be introduced to the quest "Summons from musketeers." undertaken by the Admiral."

                      That was interesting. I found this quest although I have no snipping skill at all. I had french/italian on me and aide, and more than 350k battle fame (it's my feeling that high fame helps with rare/job quests but I've heard people disagree, so idk).

                      I was also able to complete it on my own, meaning snipping isn't needed for any of the clues.

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