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Giant snake of the Amazon
No Expiration
Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
You investigated about a crocodile in the Amazon River basin, didn't you? And I heard you also found a huge snake in the land to the south. Then I have a dangerous job that can only be entrusted to you. There's a rumour going around among Sailors about a giant Amazon snake. I want you to look into it. The head fisherman here will tell you all the details.



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The constrictor 


Boa Constrictor
What lurks in the Amazon River? 


Santo Domingo - Talk to Fisherman Boss (2x)
Maracaibo - Talk to Seafarer (4x)
Maracaibo - Talk to Merchant (2x)
Amazon River - Use
Observe and
Ecological Research upstream near the Landing Point on the southern tributary.

Trembling sailors
Let me warn in advance that this can be life-threatening work...since you're here, it means you're aware of it. A giant snake inhabiting the Amazon makes even tough sailors tremble. These are men who laugh in the face of most danger.

To Maracaibo
The sailors of the town were scared just hearing about it. Since we're not going to the Amazon, there is no harm done here but the sailors who go out on the Amazon must be terrified. You can get some information on damages if you go to Maracaibo.

I've never been there
I have already heard about the giant Amazonian snake. Sailors have encountered problems... Me? I'm like that you know. I have nothing to do with the snake as I have never been on the Amazon. I haven't seen it.

From rumour to truth
I will tell you what I heard from a sailor who catches fish on the Amazon instead. He went fishing even after the rumours of the giant snake started floating around. Not that he didn't believe, but what he saw turned the rumours he'd heard to hard facts.

Something other than a ship
I saw a herd of deer near the river and didn't think much of it as it's pretty normal. I was barely an arm's length away from the deer but surprisingly they didn't try to run away. A while later, I heard something running on the water... it wasn't the boat.

The next moment, a giant snake had wrapped itself around the deer. The snake slowly strangled the deer which splashed about in the water and struggled to escape. And then, it dragged the deer into the water... It seems the sailor stood there, too terrified to move.

Even crocodiles
Hey, let me get in a few words too. The snake strangles and swallows not only deer but even crocodiles. If a human were to be attacked... I'm sorry... This sounds morbid especially when you're heading there for research...

The place where the sailor spotted the snake is towards the interior passing the area upstream of the Amazon. The river seem to split into two, but I forgot which one to follow. Anyway, I'll pray for your safe return.

Investigation of giant snake of the Amazon
The giant snake that lives in the Amazon river seems to strangle and swallow crocodiles. How large could it be... Let's conduct meticulous research trying either of the two river branches in the interior of the area upstream of the Amazon.
- Discovery
Anaconda ★★★★★★ (Large creature) Exp:1170 Fame:450
A large snake that lives in the Amazon river region. It grows to a giant length of up to 7 meters. It is active at night and not only stalks animals that come to the water's edge, but has also been known to eat crocodiles.
Cayman is a prequest for this not other way around goes boa, then cayman, then this.
i would hate myself for updating bio Q since i kinda not started on bio yet...but
according to jap wiki..this Q need 2 pre-Q...dang
will be updated it...thx