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  • Otomo Yoshishige
    Feudal lord of the Bungo Province in Japan. He worked on overseas expansion by converting to Christianity and increasing nanban trades. Using the profit from the nanban trades, he expanded his powers to become the military governor of six provinces and the local commissioner of Kyushu. He is said to be one of the few great feudal lords of Japan.

Previous Ganador: George Washington
Next Ganador: Jang Bogo

Victory unlocks the recipe for: Gyoyomon Rosary
(recipe is at Inspector until you defeat another Grande Ganador or until you craft it once; item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) Memorial Album)

Tsunokuma Soseki (South off Edo)
Takahashi Shigetane (Suruga Bay)
Tachibana Dosetsu (South off Sakai)

Clear the above foes, and Otomo appears at Bungo Channel.

Special Battle Conditions: Mid-boss and Boss battles feature a Ring of Fire trap -- any players who sail too close to the edge of the battlefield will suffer Raging Fire status ailment; the fires cannot be extinguished until you sail out of the trap zone.

Drop List:
Honebami Toushirou (item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) MA)
Mushrooms (ship decoration)
Deep Blue Sea's Logbook 1-4
Sailor's Forging Box (unconfirmed for Maris)
Cannonsmith's Forging Tools
Legendary Craftsman's Carpentry Tools (amount varies)
Silver Tarot
Crystal Eye
Seal of condemnation
Pegasus Feather
Patriot Award
Broken Cannon
Ripped Sails
Broken Armour

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