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  • Jang Bogo
    An admiral from the unified dynasty, Silla, in ancient Korea. He increased his merit by subduing pirates and establishing an enormous trading network between Korea, China, and Japan. Although a fallout with the Sillian king caused his demise, he has revived as a ghost in Atlantis.

Previous Ganador: Otomo Yoshishige
Next Ganador: Bartholomew Roberts

Victory unlocks the recipe for: Official Seal of Tang and Silla
(recipe is at Inspector until you defeat another Grande Ganador or until you craft it once; item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) Memorial Album)

Kim Yang (Immediately southwest of Hanyang)
Zheng Jing (North of Jeju Island)
Zhang Yong (Off the coast of Busan)

Clear the above foes, and Jang Bogo appears near Kitakyushu (northern coast of Kyushu Island).

Special Battle Conditions: Mid-boss and Boss battles feature a Maelstrom trap -- any players who sail too close to the edge of the battlefield will suffer Flooding status ailment; the flooding cannot be cured even with Drainage Pump until you sail out of the trap zone.

Drop List:
Tianzhu Treasure Sword (item for Sea Conquerors' Secret Treasure (No.4) MA)
Seashell Anchor (ship decoration)
Deep Blue Sea's Logbook 1-4
Sailor's Forging Box (unconfirmed for Maris)
Cannonsmith's Forging Tools
Legendary Craftsman's Carpentry Tools (amount varies)
Silver Tarot
Crystal Eye
Seal of condemnation
Pegasus Feather
Patriot Award
Broken Cannon
Ripped Sails
Broken Armour

Additional note: at periodic intervals, this Ganador summons three special NPC ships. If they are not sunk in time, they each grant a special item to the Ganador which can be used to attack players or empower the Ganador and his fleet. The ships/effects are:

Tang Imperial Merchant Ship - Shen Nung's Medicinal Herbs (revives fallen sailors)
Japan Dispatch Merchant Ship - Amaterasu Mirror (grants temporary immunity to cannonfire)
Sillian Merchant Ship - Hwanung Scented Fern (damages rudders and inflicts seaweed status to all)

Each ship sunk removes one power-up from Bogo's arsenal. Should you sink the entire merchant fleet, he will be temporarily panicked and especially vulnerable to melee (which also happens to be the only way to actually defeat this enemy) -- choose your targets well. Cheers.

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