Bighorn Sheep
A species of sheep native to western North America, named for its large, curved horns. They range in color from light brown to grayish or dark, chocolate brown, with a white rump and lining on the backs of all four legs. Females also have horns, but they are shorter with less curvature.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest name: A Cow with Phenomenal Horns (Chrono Quest - 19th Century)
Quest location: Stockholm Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r5 Ecological Research, r7 Biology, NAM(North American Languages)
Pre-requisite discovery: American Bison discovery (from "The North American Large Cow" quest) + Mule Deer discovery (from "A Deer with Magnificent Horns" quest)
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