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Modified Large Atakebune
A Large Atakebune modified with overall battle capabilities strengthened.

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 1, Broadside: 5
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 0
Optional Skill
Range 667 ~ 1112
Effective Range 712 ~ 1075
Volume 890 (Modified Large Atakebune Cabin 220 + Cannon Chambers 84 + Hold 586)
Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
Modified Large Atakebune Cabin: 150 ~ 330 Cannon Chambers: 42 ~ 126
Range 1112 - 150 - 42 = 920
Effective Range 1075 - 150 - 42 = 883

Li Yue

Xiao Wei
330 sailors OP.

this ship looks scary

FLR price would really drop

1k dura with oak...hmm

Wen zhi
OMFG!!! Finally an NC ship that will make the whole UWO nation do the Harlem Shake!

good but slow ship. wtf 1 sail only

It has amazing armour and good dura but why you guys sound shocked by 1000 dura oak? Non-NC version is 937 dura with oak. If you do calculations Paneled +250 will have 1345 dura so it's good but not like RVG 1400+ that shocking.

Btw 330 crew is just... well... no comment...

Will never get this except maybe in my dream.

Price will be sky high this is kind of the only ship worth getting in new 2300NC TB other ships are junk and waste of space only.

Reseller Hater
Sky High My arse! Requirements shows that it is not meant for noobs or aids, also look at the speed? Unless you have high rowing skills, you can even get close a cannon ship to melee it, even if you can melee, there's something called the "Withdrawal Bell", once cannon ship escapes, you will never catch it again. Really see no use in this ship.
However, it is acknowledged that price on CAA, MKW, RVG, RHG, CLR, FLR, CTG all melle type ship will drop, come on 330 crew compared with (225-260)? Seriously?
Now here's the ~~//~~\\~~~//~~~\\~~~~Harlem Shake~~//~~~\\~~//~~~\\~~

apple_2011 wanna trade FLR for this but similar dura same x5 cannon slot MLA wayyyyyyy more crew/armour who would trade unless retarded

why NM keep pumping in totally OP ships 330 vs mid-200 crew insane

The speed of end game ships pumping out really concerns me, makes me feel game will end soon server will close, anyone can see how players deserting and how we lack fresh blood joining.

Reseller Hater
The answer is to make you buy TBox, but if you really look at this ship, it is not that OP anyway. Better ships will keep coming and this is how UWO grows, you never grow, do you?
The question should be, when will NM/CJ release another ship more powerful than this? 1 month? 2 month?

@Reseller Hater
I understand this is how UWO grows, I am just concerned (Misun was me too) how it's "growing" so fast, nothing grows forever, does not seem to me like NM is hoping for longevity, like with MFCV MAV MNG CLR era cycling through those ships got a lot of people buying, no need to rush, unless you have like 3 months left and might as well throw all ships out since rights to game contents is paid already anyway.

apple will not get this ship with her FLC unless she is damn lucky
if i have this ship i will not trade it for anything less than AFCV or FIS

I see completely the opposite, this ship makes newbie spend on Tbox and in return make a newbie's game life easier thus more incline to stay longer, further, they had spend and invested in this game, so they won't leave that easily because at the beginning, this game was very hard to start off and discouraged so many impatient newbies...
Players that wants to leave would leave anyway and there is nothing that can stop them...UWO has to grow

Taiwan server still don't have any FCV that beats AFCV so it might also be our best FCV for a long while to come.

This ship is featured in those 2nd age youtube videos as an NPC boss of a famous chinese admiral Cheng Wor.
Btw it has direct hit prevention omfg.

Xiao Wei
This ship would still move fast due to it being a row ship.
Anyone who have played with MNG should know that the speed in battle field does not have much to do with sail values.
In battle, ships have a mass (cargo), a push power (studding sails x Armor) and resistance (somehow determined by turn speed). The acceleration and top speed is determined by those three factors. In addition, every time u make a turn, the resistance is added (like pressing a brake).
For those who does not believe this, make a Cruise Light Clipper with full sail, try using it in battle field, and see how slow it moves, and then put on 3 platings, and compare the difference.

Reseller Hater
UWO grows forever and will keep growing, this is how they grow. Yes they hope for longevity and they know they can't rely on the so-called "loyal" and "veteran" players because they don't like changes and their numbers are to few.
NM/CJ needs to keep releasing new better NC ships to encourage players to buy TBox especially newbies.
Yes they had all the NC Ships in the bag, but if they release all at once, what is there left to be released? and how would you (if you are NM/CJ) then make money?
Don't just think from your own point of view, put your feet in NM/CJ shoes and you will understand a lot of things

I spent quite a bit and have not won any ship in the past few 2 TB I wish there is a system oh I wish there is one where my chances increase with accumulative purchases that would surely urge me to buy TB right now I'm just discouraged from TB for a while.

My rosewood trading barca is a lot better!

@Reseller Hater
Err..... for some reason you seem to think I hate new ships being released...... I don't...... I am still using MFCV to compete against FFCV / FCFV / AFCV and to be honest I think it's fine, the extra stats are not as important as skill in my opinion (not implying I have skill to beat those in better ships, merely want to say I'm more keen to improve my skills than improve my ship at this stage).
I am just concerned server will end and if so there is no point to gind my character and spend on TB.
I wish to play UWO for another 10 years if possible :)

@Xiao Wei
I can confirm what you say. We have 2 ETC same build/stats and both about full cargo, the leader has no plating the one being towed has 3 iron plate (forgot which type exactly) and when we got amushed the one being towed quickly outsped and passed the leader which was in front.

Reseller Hater
Never think that grinding your battle skills does not matter anymore when new ships are released, because when two person have the same ship, your skill, experience, luck and intelligence will make a big difference. Although it is acknowledged that skills are not that significant as it used to be. This is to give a levelled playing field for those entering this game late (i.e. newbie)
Try to understand the mechanics of this game, it's pretty complicated and interwove. Make the right decision after a deep thought, not hasty and emotional decisions like deleting your character!

I want a mentor to teach me how to fight in row ship!

Wen zhi
Ugly but Godly.

for those of you who have sais dura panelled+250 is 1348 thats wrong, i calculated it at 1378

How long can it be godly? I am scared to buy this kind of ship! I rather buy cannonsmith tools if they were still here, at least I have guaranteed cannon power!
I just bought a RHG for 10b and FLR for 10b last month, I don't think I can sell them for the same price I bought for now.

Just compare with non-nc version +63 dura.
With all other ships nc bonus are added seperately not included in multiplication (ie, not 1000 divided my 125/100 * 1.41; but 937 divided by 125/100 * 1.41).

@Reseller Hater: You totally miss his/her point. What she meant is by this ship is a late game ship. NM has been pumping out these kinds of ship at an somewhat alarmingly fast rate. Normally, to keep the game running, a company would regularly (but slowly) release all the end-game content, but NM is not. Which could indicate that they are trying to get as much profit as possible from players because they don't plan to keep the game running much longer, especially concerning there ain't much new players coming (or what seems to be). His/her concern is totally legit and actually seems to have a lot more understanding about business models than you do :v
And he/she didn't mean grinding skill is pointless, either, but just concerned that if the game is ending in about, say, 3 or 4 months from now on, there would be no more reason in investing time and money in a game that is already sentenced to be dead :/

Reseller Hater
I am sick and tired of your nonsense, you keep saying that UWO will close down and they released an OP ship because they wanna cash out? WTF?! You are full of conspiracy! Get out of here! Get out of UWO if you think you don't want to play anymore! In 3 months time, UWO will still be here, after 1 year UWO will still be here, but people like you will not be here, you are too stupid to play such a complicated game. You think you know what NM/CJ is thinking?! No you don't! You are here to sabotage and I exposed you! Just because you deleted your character and you one everyone to join you in this suicide mission? You cult leader!

Wen zhi
Reason why they are releasing lots of ships is they want the server to be somewhat inline with the other servers (japan, korea). As you can see last year, the other servers are way updated than GAMA but now its a bit more closer. Lots of new ships are being released in JAPAN and KOREA server and it may soon arrive in GAMA so better release and gain profit from other NC ships before the new and better ones arrive.

Right about there, I got a MSupF as my only NC maritime ship from TBox and until now it still at 2/8. Just added the optional skills. I'm still thinking in a month or 2 a better one come will out and spending billions of ducats to make it 8/8 seems worthless especially the prices of Dgaff sails nowadays. I'll probably just keep it for awhile or sell it if the time comes.

@Reseller Hater: Two things:
- First, I'm not the original poster who suggested that idea. I just think her concern is legit and your reply has been inadequate. Thank you for proving me right.
- Second, consider my words wasted. I will ignore your posts from now on.
@Wen Zhi: The problem is, as far as I understand, this wasn't the case like 6 months ago. Only lately has new, late-game ships had been pumped out non-stop. Moreover, I think pumping out all the ships at once has a lot of drawbacks, and surely people don't want to receive all the ships with short staying power and then spend a long time waiting for new update to come?

@Reseller Hater: Two things:
- First, I'm not the original poster who suggested that idea. I just think her concern is legit and your reply has been inadequate. Thank you for proving me right.
- Second, consider my words wasted. I will ignore your posts from now on.
@Wen Zhi: The problem is, as far as I understand, this wasn't the case like 6 months ago. Only lately has new, late-game ships had been pumped out non-stop. Moreover, I think pumping out all the ships at once has a lot of drawbacks, and surely people don't want to receive all the ships with short staying power and then spend a long time waiting for new update to come?

Reseller Hater I was the person who originally posted the concern (MFCV user who is trying to better my skills, not concerned out OP ships making me unable to compete, just concerned server will close soon).
Going back 2-3 weeks if you read forum posts or went to Seville you will notice the huge demand in existing ships like MAV/MFCV (mainly as aide ship for newbies whose aide captain is still developing), FFCV/AFCV, RHG, RBTC etc. and the supply is very low... Someone who claim to be GM_Neume said on this site that NM is pumping good ships so newbies can catch up (plus other things, like already invested in game so likly to stay) but the thing is even if they just put same old ships in TB lots of players who cannot find a seller on the market will still buy the TB. So the question is, why pump out new ships so quickly? Sure maybe MSpecF lost its spark and pumping out MSupF was a good decision after last month's BC deck clean, but if they stick to MIS and ILFS people will still buy.... Now that they've introduced FIS and FLFS then no one wants to buy those older ships.... Pumping out new ships too quickly makes semi-new ship owners frustrated and does not really increase sales in my opinion.
The only benefit of pumping new ships is for super rich players who already have eg, ILFS to buy TB for FLFS why do that though? not that many super rich players anyway, well NM would do that IF THEY WILL CLOSE DOWN SOON

My post was a mess, to sum it up, if they do not introduce new/better ships and just put old-best ships in TB people who cannot find seller in-game will still buy TB, newbies can still catch up cause that's the game's current best anyway, so it does not really justify pumping out new ships.
Only reason to pump out new ships like there's no tomorrow is if there really isn't a tomorrow, when slightly increasing short term profit at the expense of business longevity is a good decision, then you can tell the company is making the decision to close down. Seriously if NM/CJ just pump out better ships every 3-6 months the game can go on for a long long time and players might feel bored of their existing ship and feel like investing in a new one, whereas if new ships keep coming out every second day who would want to invest? Same with ipad right? When new models come out too quickly no one wants to buy anymore cause it devalues the so-called new model that will not be new for long.

Putting wrong information here especially saying "UWO WILL CLOSE DOWN" is a SERIOUS OFFENSE as you dont know what are the consequences for other players who read this. Again, what this is your own assumption and opinion just because you saw this and that on gpotato or other site. I hope DB will FOREVER BAN your IP address and know your account name to BAN YOU FOREVER.

NM/CJ is such a joke they keep making wrong business decisions and hiring the wrong people to do the job.
It's undeniable they know little about the game they are businessmen not passionate gamers I get that yet they are poor at business decision making too lol.

It's quite clear NM/CJ don't think before they act. To stop rumors and complaints the best thing to do is for NM/CJ to not making illogical business decisions telling players not to worry or accept bla bla don't work.

Lol what serious offense you from communist China or North Korea? No freedom of speech? Saying thing that hurts the dictators reputation means you, your mum/dog/neighbor all get sentenced to jail?

Reseller Hater
If you are poor in game and in real life, you will just be a "crybaby", because that's all you can do. If you are poor in real life, that's a bit hard, but you can't stop people that are richer than you (be it veteran/newbie) to enjoy more powerful new NC ships if they can afford it and you can't, you are being unreasonably selfish here (Why are you against the release of new better NC Ship? It's like you are stopping the release of iPhone 5, WTF?). Newer and better NC Ships will keep coming out for those who can afford because they are the actual people who pumps in money for UWO to survive. You, on the other hand just know how to complain and unwilling to accept the fact that this is how UWO will be for the coming future. Imagine if Apple, Samsung, Microsoft released their first model and stick with it like forever, Will it work? They would close shop long time ago!
But if you're poor in game, you can STILL work your way to be rich through dungeons. UWO opened the dungeon system expecting every player to hoard for money, they also expect inflation. Dungeon is the best time for you to grind land battle skills and "deck battle" system will be in the next update (a chance for players to polish up the skills and earn money). Contrary to your misleading belief, NM/CJ had a clear overview and made clever decisions on how to update the game and introduce the right items in TBox so that they can maximise profits and maintain game balance in the best way...still you CLAIM you understand more about UWO than the developers and NM/CJ themselves? Do you know updating and patching involved a lot of cost to implemend? IF NM/CJ wants close down, they don't have to introduce TBox, there are better ways.
Clearly, all your comments and post here are meant to sabotage UWO and induce current players to leave the game!

Reseller Hater you are right, I think you're talking to a "UWO Hater", or maybe a "NM/CJ Hater"

info about this.. and how much

330 sailors!!! Damnnn!!

Wen zhi
How much does it cost?

20bil+ easy.

can put max 8/8 ,remember one Custom ambush Atakebune but have more Armour 33 base, but is a Oak ship and have 1k dura, official have great dura,need low lvls by use one tickt value 12-15b but one well improved can value more than 20b

Li Yue
The only downside for this ship is its speed but if engaged close enough the acceleration may put this ship in quite a commanding position in battles. 1378 durability at max with official panels, its most important features are the fact that it has DHP and extremely advantageous sailor count, giving the ship close to 700 base attack in first hit with pre-amp skill as original. This ship can be very deadly to WMB series if played in the hands of a good maritimer.

GinDracon aka Cristovan.

Despise Reseller
You see, with resellers' well known success in scamming noobs it's probably going to be harder for them to sell at their typically over-high price. If you know noobs will sell at jaw dropping low price why pay resellers for 10 times the price you can get from a noob?
I spoke to a guy yesterday, he has an MLA for sell/trade, first offer he got was from Vanelle or something, who offered CAA ticket +1b, then 2 sec after Vanelle's friend/alt whoever it is offered something slightly higher and the guy blocked them both.
So much scamming. Such a disgusting community we have here.

CAA ticket + 1b offer wtf? That's too lowball... Makes me think people like 5percent off who tries to buy FLFS at 4.5-6b then improve and resell at 10-12b or so isn't too bad, comparitively.

I see many asking to buy FLFS at 6b

Yes I get it we all want to buy things cheap but this lowballing is so annoying you shout WTB then you can two dozen offers (probably from the same few NC dealers with alts) that are so lowball it's not funny. CAA ticket + 1b why did the guy even bother to type "no" it's a waste of finger effort if you ask me.

I meant shout WTS sorry typo.

I heard it so many times Fanta bought AV for 1b in Seville about 1 month ago.
Please, leave your real IGN here, or contact me and prove it to me in game. MY IGN is 5percentoff, you can easily find me in game.
If you are so scared of being recognized by other players, please don't making it up and starting false rumours in here. Thank you!!
WTF? Anyone saw me buying FLFS at 4.5-6B, or anyone bought it from me at 10-12b?!
Please, if anyone who sold me a FLFS at 4.5-6b and proves it, I will refund in double. If anyone who bought FLFS at 10-12b from me, stands out and proves it, I will refund in triple.

Only people who are desperate would buy from Fanta or 5percentoff.
Is it wrong/illegal for them to run NC-dealership? No.
Is it ethical for them to rip-off newbies (such as buying AV for 1b)? Very likely not.
People who don't socialize much typically end up not knowing the market rate, and thus got ripped off as a penalty not having friends or not doing homework.
An advice for newbies, join some good companies, know some decent people, and don't buy or sell in a rush!

Armie's advice is real good. ALL NEWBIES READ: "...join some good companies, know some decent people, and don't buy or sell in a rush!"

Ming Mei
Notice many noobs not in companies or some start their 4 player private/not-recruiting company.

Only people who are desperate would buy from Fanta or 5percentoff === Clearly imples FANTA and 5PERCENTOFF will rip you off at every opportunity if you trade to them. If you are desperate and have no other choice, trade with them, if not, stay wide away.

Li Yue
Can books stored in binder be stolen? Can items in capt bag be stolen?

Wen zhi
Or you can keep your items forever, or at least long enough fpr D gaff to be in TB again and drop down to maybe 700-750m like before.

WE, resellers, in line with Fanta, 5percentoff, GinDracon and all of us in UWO with our alts, stand UNITED, hereby vow to raise and increase all prices to crazy levels and cause massive inflation with all our wealth through manipulation and speculation. We will cause the UWO economy to INFLATE like never before and all of you will fear our wrath and regret for condemning US!

lol good joke to hear lunch time
i will exploit noobs like u do is all

As for me I will shout WTS at reasonable price so noobs get rough idea how much something worth at least won't accept VANELLE'S --- CAA ticket + 1b --- laughed me shitless
Selling Dgaff for 3b and Dstorm for 600m, pm me

ThePoopsies is obviously uneducated and have not heard of game theory. You NC dealers have shit for honour you place trust on one another? Sooner or later one of ya will use an alt to secretly buy higher than your united-agreed price and sell below that united-ageed price get all the business make all the profit then others will realize they are coorporating with people as fck'n dishonorable as them and alliance flushed down the toilet together with their remeining honor lololololololol
Selling Dgaff for 4b and Dstorm for 700m, pm me
Selling Dgaff for 5b and Dstorm for 700m, pm me

5percentoff was goint to ask u for proof if u manage to sell anything at those prices but i guess u multi-boxer will just screenshot trading with alt.
We all know u multi-box, unless u buying lots of NC i dun see y NM dun just IP check u n ur alt n block u all lolololololol
Block/confescate so less ships for sale on market so ppl must buy TB i should suggest this to GM

5percentoff was goint to ask u for proof if u manage to sell anything at those prices but i guess u multi-boxer will just screenshot trading with alt.
We all know u multi-box, unless u buying lots of NC i dun see y NM dun just IP check u n ur alt n block u all lolololololol
Block/confescate so less ships for sale on market so ppl must buy TB i should suggest this to GM

ThePoopsies is obviously uneducated and have not heard of game theory. You NC dealers have shit for honour you place trust on one another? Sooner or later one of ya will use an alt to secretly buy higher than your united-agreed price and sell below that united-ageed price get all the business make all the profit then others will realize they are coorporating with people as fck'n dishonorable as them and alliance flushed down the toilet together with their remeining honor lololololololol

ThePoopsies is obviously uneducated and have not heard of game theory. You NC dealers have shit for honour you place trust on one another? Sooner or later one of ya will use an alt to secretly buy higher than your united-agreed price and sell below that united-ageed price get all the business make all the profit then others will realize they are coorporating with people as fck'n dishonorable as them and alliance flushed down the toilet together with their remeining honor lololololololol

Anyone know how much CharAznable offering for HSFCV?

To Vanelle:
You really thought you had a chance to get his/her MLA for CAA ticket plus 1b? Or was that just foreplay and the plan has always been to offer less than reasonable but more than your initial offer with an alt? Fck off will ya?

I have just received confirmation from Bartolomeo and F. We will form an alliance and go full throttle for VENGENCE. Since the community despise US and BLAME everything on US, we will show them how despicable and how serious we can be. We will not STOP and will continue to recruit other resellers to wage this protest until we get an official apology from those of you who insult us.

ThePoopsies / Atabey / Bartolomeo / F...... are obviously uneducated and have not heard of game theory. You NC dealers have shit for honour you place trust on one another? Sooner or later one of ya will use an alt to secretly buy higher than your united-agreed price and sell below that united-ageed price get all the business make all the profit then others will realize they are coorporating with people as fck'n dishonorable as them and alliance flushed down the toilet together with their remeining honor lololololololol

Do resellers realize that they could be making millions of dollars by doing dealership irl?...
Anyway, MLA (if it is Self-conscious) is probably laughing at us wasting time flaming/trolling on each other, and even posting a price check on HSFCV on THIS thread. =O
Back to MLA context, what is the price of MLA? I think it is probably somewhere close to AFCV, plus or minus.
Sorry everyone I am such a retard. I am too dumb to realize the community can do without us NC dealers other players can simply trade among themselves unless lots and lots and lots of idiots win ships and sell to us and only to us our alliance is meaningless.

I and Vegilsio will stand with the alliance and our newly formed party. We, the Resellers Insulted Party Official (a.k.a RIP-OFF) are dedicated to avenge on those who insulted us and we shall show them Jupiter's Coock!

Armie don't be naive if they have any capacity to make money in real life they won't be sitting in Seville 24/7 trying to earn ducats. I get paid $390 AUD (1 AUD more than 1 USD btw) per hour and I have decided to only work 4 days a week cause I can enjoy life including UWO (played old school uncharted waters when I was young). I do not waste my time sitting in Seville.

Totally, I buy my own TB for ships too and trade when I need/want to. I don't do it as a career. Fanta said he cannot afford TB himself thus he understandably needs to resort to NC dealing.

Hate all you wanna hate you Reseller Haters, we will show you what we can do and you will all regret, you sorry arses!

Whatever the reason is, it is none of your business, you want WAR with resellers? We give you WAR! ROARRRRR!

-.- all of ya noobs. even you dont know the price.....
thats why some buyers.. saying "How much is it" then Sellers say "Offer"(stupid answer) of course u will get stupid offers... blame to the greed players...

Glad to see Oz showing presence here, mind identify your IGN?
But your pay is concerning, I hope it doesn't drive up inflation irl

These people think they control the market. Your not the only players selling NC items, even w/o you guys, many can still buy/sell NC things. Its much better if you resellers all gone. Believe me no one will be more happy than all of us. No one will also notice it that youre all gone. :)

The fact is Dongwoo, we will never be gone, we have so many alts, you will never know if you are trading with a reseller any time at any given place, every player buy and sell almost everyday, be it frequent or periodical, you have to face it, we can make you cry babies suffer because we have money. We will start off by buying all the PAs on the market and then selling OSP at high price, next, we will inflate ESBT to 2m, then 3m...and so on. Also, we will make QMPs become 1m very soon. Dgaff and Dstorm will be inflated! NC ships will suffer the most serious inflation, especially popular ships like AFCV,AV,MLA. YOU WILL HAVE MORE REASON TO CRY FROM NOW ON! DON'T BOTHER APOLOGIZING CAUSE WE WILL HAVE NO MERCY!

Meng Meng
Please inflate it resellers.
I buy my own TB I sell ships and items I can't/don't use.
I do my own 60 PA per quest grind.
I will not be affected.
Many others won't be affected too. You can raise your price but everyone else will just match it. Only those who recently sold their ships/items or grinding from dungeon and yet to buy anything then they will suffer. Existing owners or to-be-owners of valuable stuff will not suffer.

Then we realize, half of the sellers who sell MNG at ludicrous price originates from PAC, Armie's comp. Oh the irony.

Vanelle wtf are you saying you dumb? Almost everyone just say "offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer offer" some players when they WTS you ask what they are looking for they say "offer" then when negotiating the player identifies I have a ship he/she wants but will not offer himself and instead ask me to "offer" everyone wants to put the burden of making the first offer on the other party it's annoying as hell lol.

I get paid $220 AUD an hour. I am not a laywer. Geeze are Aussies that rich?

We hate:
(1) god cannon users
(2) NC dealers who deceive noobs and use multi-box "techniques"
(3) PAC members

Meh...we can only hate, things will get worse if massive inflation happens

Li Yue
that guy with the loud voice hating Resellers, can you put your IGN if you have a dick? I will blame all this on you!
wts d gaff 50m d storm 20m pm plz
wts d gaff 40m d storm 10m pm plz
wts d gaff 30m d storm 5m pm plz

Hey guys take this one of the UWO forums. I'll even make a thread for ya and post the link here if you would like. I'd like to be able to read comments about what items and such do and see the new items for the game. I hear enough bitching and moaning at work everyday.
Value of everything in the game = Whatever someone can get someone else to pay for it. End of discussion.

OMFG 5Percentoff selling for 30m 40m 50m dgaff?
Wait... It's 5percentof not 5percentoff missing the last "f" lol!
Alright, I think this has gone far enough when its affecting other players in the game which is a shame considering this site's comment function is meant for constructive discussion, not defamation.
First off, if anyone thinks this is a fake person using this ID to post, send a tell to me (Anne.Bonny) to verify my identity.
5percentof, I'll start on you. It is of manners and courtesy that you do not impersonate, or register on someone else's IGN for use of defamation. I understand that this is just a fan base, but the consequences is such that you are jeopardizing other player's gaming experience in exchange to your own personal pleasure. That is kind of unfair so to say. Again, if you really are to justify the sense of integrity on your claims of 5percentoff being a reseller, use your real IGN. Defaming with this method won't get you anywhere.
Secondly, I think its important to understand that in the concept of trading, reselling itself is a model. There are many reasons that lead to reselling, not necessarily an immediate buy and resell, which happens so often when it comes to EA goods etc. You can also say that a person who bought a ship, used it for a month, found a better one, then sell that old ship at a higher price, as what we've seen happening lately to price increase to various ships such as MFCV. Do we call these players resellers then? For selling the ship at a market rate higher than the price they paid for them months back due to inflation? I thought one needs to be clearer in their context or scenario when he goes out claiming a person is a reseller, and us readers need to also understand this as well in order to not right the wrongs and vice versa.
I honestly think defamation is the lowest level of tactics one can deploy to harm another player's gaming experience. Especially when what you post cannot justify what has happened in the game. My thoughts are simple: There are plenty of places to acquire a rough estimate of what an item is worth. Price checks in world chat etc. That's the first step to grab an idea how much you can ask for an item you are willing to sell, and if you really have the hesitation to sell, don't sell until the hesitation's gone. Getting angry and regretful for selling an item due to your own hesitation, then shifting the blame to the buyer by calling them a reseller is not only unsporting, but despicable.
I've spent 600mil on a 250mil ship before. I don't call that person a reseller. I've seen how my 60k trade goods are bought and being resold at 85k. I don't call that person a reseller either. I've even sold a few of my panelings for 60mil range when its still at its 100mils. I don't call these buyers resellers even if they do. The fact is, I am satisfied with the price I get, since it's an offer I've accepted and willing to part with. So, for users of this DB, if you think a person is not offering a price you can accept, simply decline to trade. It's pretty simple to live life happier and enjoy the game better.

Stop 5percentof i bought d gaff and d storm

Full time 24/7 squatting in Seville using multiple toons at the same time (e.g., say ship on other toon that walks to you and trade while first toon still shouting deals next to you) telling noobs CAA not that different from MLA only worth 1b more and intentionally buying for the purpose of just reselling (they can because with multi they can still play while sit on Seville forever to not miss out of trade opportunities) = "reseller / dealer"

Those resellers who claim to unite and cause inflation how do you exactly think this could work? You see 5percentoff shouting WTS/WTT his RBTC 8/8 for months changing what he ask for yet none of the options appeal to even one buyer/trader so if he ask for more you think that leads to "inflation"? Asking for more does not mean you get more does not mean inflation.

Port Official
Whole front page irrelevant to MLA

i want see MLA comment not reseller ppl -.-

OMG! whats going on here..where MLA comment?

Good one Anne

Seriously forum discussion. Go make a thread.

Li Yue
that is fake 5percentoff cause the truth name is have 2 'f' not one 'f'
5percentoff is good people though he not sell in uwodb

Should I trade my MLA for HFCV? It's trade with real life friend but he said he never reverse trade so I must think it through...
WTT MLA for HSFCV - PM me ingame (Gama server)

wtb MLA for 500 mils - Nellemus (wanna test it for fun, not worth more crappy sails, 1 ssail only etc) so if anyone wanna sell for this price PM me.

WTS MLA 20b pm me IGN 5percentoff

Wen zhi
Putting modesty aside, with 185 attack this ship has 600 over base melee attack, with obstruction aide its basically a mercy ride when it kills 80 sailors for a normal retreat on a ship with 380 def.

Everyone now's the time to buy those turtleships!
Melee Ships > Frigates/Ironsides > Turtleships > Melee Ships...
FCV all-rounded

yes but this ship is epic slow low sails - only 1 s sail so like sitting duck + very low dura will be 1 shooted easy :(

RHG better.

WTT: MFCV 6/6 + CTG 8/8 + 4b for this ship!

Is this worth more than MFCV+RHG?

Is this worth more than FCFV?

Mei Hua
Is this worth moer than FLFS+ETC?

Same skill as Large Atakebune (even though both NC)?

Li Yue
If so, aside from DHP I cannot think of another good skill to put on main ship (CP on aide's ship).

God Cannons + Intensive Charge = OP
Can also add Command post and Attack prevention net, confirmed

Too bad it does not have Pre-Emp
Fanta you have this ship too...?
no :P im not that rich
it has pre.emp
Mod Large Atakebune skill : Direct hit Prev Training bomb Command post Row Assist Pre.emp attack Atk prev net

Port Official
So its skills are not the same as Large Atakebune (lv69 one)

APN is pretty useless besides melee'ing other MLA. That's obviously cause you shouldn't need the defense buffer against any other ship.

Anyone know if apploe_2011 successfully traded his/her FLC for MLA?

(1) slowest ship ever...
(2) rowing + direct hit prevention + double shot defense or evasion = no cannon skills = it can only serve one role only
This ship is awesome but it certainly does not make RHG/FLR/CLR redundant as they serve very different roles this one highly specialized the other ones more flexible/general use.

I would rather use a FCFV or FFCV......

Interesting what wen zhi said about nm trying to get gama closer to other servers. Wonder if the servers will ever merge, and create a super ESF with players from one server taking on others.

zes Nellemus is right, this ship is slow, big crew but slow+low dura, wont survive long. RHG much better, faster.

It is oak, after panel it should have ~1370 dura, how is that low dura compared to RHG? Also Direct Hit Prev helps it survive although to use row you will give up evasion or double shot defense...

I still dunno how the +1 cannon slot will be implemented. If I improve my RHG or other 4 broadside ships will I have to dismantle? Anyone with Asian server experience can tell us how that item works over there?

Ming Mei
Best wait till it comes lol, you never know if the tools will end up the same way like the forging tools

Another 3 more hrs for the maintenance??? almost half a day. NM should extend the x2 event because of this. :)

Ming Mei
I might sound mad but I took 2 days off work so I can play x2 and one of the days I totally can't play if they tell me it's a 12 hour maintenance I would make other plans but they keep saying it's just another few hours so I waited at home watched a movie get told I need to wait again watch another movie again gets told to wait omfg...

Ming Mei
zes Nellemus is right, this ship is slow, big crew but slow+low dura, wont survive long. RHG much better, faster.

UWO is alive again

now i cant even get in the game, failed to connect server (-17)!
what the hell is wrong?!

Mei Hua
You guys just knows how to complain when faced with a problem, can't you just trial and error?! Re-login again and your problem will be solved, idiot!

Li Yue
I'm also getting MUCH LESS exp than yesterday in fact even my NC items don't seem to work just getting usual x1 exp with thesis.

lol, x3 exp and skill. it looks like x1, wat the hell NM???
Server is back, have fun guys

Enjoy this ship now or never. NM/CJ put it in TB now for a reason. Turtle Ships and Deck Battle will be introduced when EA patch is updated and this ship will be worth less than FFCV/FCFV.

WTB THIS SHIP PM me in game only !!!

Dont be idiots, dont spoils this site with trash talk, yes Nelle is pirate, yes he is best in what he do, kill traders and hide, and its his job as pirate, BUT IDIOTS IF YOU HATE HIM DONT SPOIL THIS DB WITH YOUR HATE.

Li Yue
and why don't you quit giving him a rusty trombone and plug up this site with your slavering nonsense?

price check ticket? 8/8?

WTT MSf 8/8 god-modded very perfect for this ship,, whisper

WTB this ship in ticket for 2B or 8/8 for 3B pm me RussianAsshole

Those who won/bought this ship right before deck battle was introduce should all comit suicide right now.

Port Official
why? tell me why ?

Because you can use your 330 crew ship to melee a trader who has 33 crew, be forced into deck battle, and then whether you win or lose your x10 more crew did not help you at all.

If you are a solo pirate preying on merchant fleets the traders will now beat in 2v1 or 3v1 or even 5v1 on deck battle.

As if they didn't nerf pirating enough? LOL!

Mei Hua
Aww poor babies.

Baby pirates.
MLA owners go suicide now.

i thought crew has something to do with deck battle power :3
anyway i'm glad i didn't buy that ship over 20b lolz

Taiwanese players speculated crew has something to do with chance of forcing deck battle, but the opinion is pretty much 50/50 some say it has an effect others' experience is that it's purely chance where trader ships can deck MLA etc.

It would be better if they make it base on melee attack/defense rather than just crew size as admiral ships like FIS/HSFCV have small crew but potentially high melee defense. These admiral ships should be given the option to prevent being decked if they have the stats.

the price of this ship is goning down on and on.
speed is worst one of the server
and has no bow turret lol

Once Turtleships become prevalent you will regret spending 20b to buy MLA ticket.

i doubt it, ATS has low durability due it's capped into 5/5 improved only, that alone make you have to choose between performance i.e armor, turn speed or durability. not to mention it has low base durability too, make it inferior to other cannon ship like vaiss or FCV

It is true ALA has about 120 base dura over ATS.
ALA can also get +240 dura (FS parts for PreEmp/DHP then all ImpRopes)
ATS can only get +200 dura (FS parts for IGP/BPA then all ImpRopes)
However, ALA should get +0 armour from FS parts.
ATS has +3 armour from FS parts, has +11 base armour, and BPA gives another +10, so ATS has a total of +24 armour over ALA, this is not a small difference.
ALA's melee is also useless against ATS, and with IGP ATS not only has increased cannon range but also an equivalent of R5 Reload boost that's passive (from IGP I mean).

160 dura vs 24 armour, tough choice
but ATS is immune to MLA/ALA melee and also is not afraid of deck battles that's what make it shine
both ships should be worth about the same

ALA has DHP though
ATS cannot be melee so it is immune to the typical strategy of melee lockdown then fleet member park at bow/stern for easy crit
but why are we discussing all this on MLA page lol

Port Official
1270 dura can be killed by 1 crit
ALA melee a lot, it is a sitting duck when coming out of melee expect to be crit by your opponent's teammate
FCFV/FFCV are far superior

So is RHG with 1378 dura still worth more than ALA? How much RHG going for these days anyway?

Li Yue
Hope to see this in TB again some time soon.

Well at least there is Festive Large Fu and Dgaff in TB so I am happy enough :)
After all it is 2300 NC so can't expect too much - although we did have x2 win rate with FIS for just 2300 NC not long ago haha!

noob reseller still shouting WTS ALA Ticket for 9b in seville if you want it, kinda ripped off price for an overatted ship IMO

Dude, I really want a NC ship.
WTB this ship PM in game DeGothia, Thanks.

Meng Meng
Saw someone sell this for 2 AFCV is it worth it or super overpice shit?

That guy is a reseller Stupid one MLA for 40b is lame

MLA is the NO.1 Melee ship all time round. And it's still rare now.
MLA has 100dura/2turn/3wave more over ALA, and 8 times improves over ALA's 6. While other melee ships don't get close to that.
I won't sell it for 40b. Ducats is badly inflated since $3 for 200m promo. We need 1b check now lol. There are plenty buyers in Seville with 20b+ but few things for them to buy.
MLA for 2x afcv is proper valuation. If u have MLA, u don't have to sell cheap.

lol, yeah right. NO 1 melee ship but have you forgotten about DECK BATTLE??? even a 50+ sailors can defeat and pillage youre 300+ sailors.
Also, 30b is the max a player can exchange to another player. Find some noob who will exchange you 10b first then 30b with your MLA.

i always see this xXuan in seville shouting. He's definitely an alt and a reseller. I advice don't buy anything from these pos.

Nobody wants this crap any more. Go home reseller, you're drunk.

I wouldn't even trade a MFCV for this. Its just bad with deck battle now.

well, those angry "non-reseller" will try to get MLA cheap if got the chance. You don't know who they are, but they are everywhere in Seville. Your close company mate might be the same guy who steal your MLA away, in alt, u never know.
For now all MLA are already in hands of senior players i believe. Say whatever shit u want but NO chance u can trade mfcv for it lol. ALA is already selling for 10b. In case that MLA hit tbox again in future, and you are the lucky one that get MLA, Don't sell for anything less than AFCV.
It's no harm that u take your time before u sell. Liston to all offers, choose the best one.

Selling MLA for $500 (us dollars) paypal only. tell me in game

well, those angry "non-reseller" will try to get MLA cheap if got the chance. You don't know who they are, but they are everywhere in Seville. Your close company mate might be the same guy who steal your MLA away, in alt, u never know.
For now all MLA are already in hands of senior players i believe. Say whatever shit u want but NO chance u can trade mfcv for it lol. ALA is already selling for 10b. In case that MLA hit tbox again in future, and you are the lucky one that get MLA, Don't sell for anything less than AFCV.
It's no harm that u take your time before u sell. Liston to all offers, choose the best one.

see... that's what am I talking about. Dirty low ball asshole.
So far i have never sell any ships for US$. even if I do, i shall sell for $1000.
what a loser

Ok, i've thought about it and since you are all dirty low ball assholes I am raising my price to $1000 US dollars for my MLA. Paypal only tell me in game

Li Yue
I really doubt anyone would be paying u $1000 for MLA. That amount of money is enough to get a lot of ships from tbox. Besides you do realize people could take the money back via dispute since you don't have the receipt of selling this ship... It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of trying to make a few dollars by selling ships here

my friendlist is full for a long time. i have regular customers. obviously some jealous non-successful resellers are trying to mass up my reputation. I met some alt trying to talk to me, asking for price, asking for ship value potential, trying to get all kind of info from me. Some even worship me with words u only seen used on Michael Jordan or David Backham.
Anyway, the fake xXuan is pussy. Fake xXuan u heard of, or as u seen here, is bad, no honor jerk ass.
The real xXuan is old time UWO player since the Gama servier starts. I was afk for about 6 months, only returned game less than a month ago. I made some good profit from resells. If you want to find out more about me, come Seville.

my friendlist is full for a long time. i have regular customers. obviously some jealous non-successful resellers are trying to mass up my reputation. I met some alt trying to talk to me, asking for price, asking for ship value potential, trying to get all kind of info from me. Some even worship me with words u only seen used on Michael Jordan or David Backham.
Anyway, the fake xXuan is pussy. Fake xXuan u heard of, or as u seen here, is bad, no honor jerk ass.
The real xXuan is old time UWO player since the Gama servier starts. I was afk for about 6 months, only returned game less than a month ago. I made some good profit from resells. If you want to find out more about me, come Seville.

I said again, the fake xXuan is pussy. Fake xXuan u heard of, or as u seen here, is bad, no honor jerk ass! Typical of stupid american round eyes who think $1000 is to much for the best melle ship in game.

WTS MLA for 2500 usd. pm me in game : Kenny42000

Buy MLA for 30b or even 1000USD just hope traders or adventurers you attack dont use "DECK BATTLE" otherwise a 100% victory will be 50/50.

I used to remember when deck battle was introduced (See deck battle page) a lot was crying saying melee is dead and MLA prices will go down. I wonder why all off a sudden xXuan or whoever is commenting on this page is trying to raise the price of this ship. Did I miss something?
This page should make everyone registered to post comments, then no more impersonalting
WTS MLA for 40b or 1500USD, paypal only. pm me ingame for more info I'm in Seville always.

how can you get 40bil? >.> max on a character is 20bil in cheques, 1bil in bank and 1 bil in each shared storage.. and 100m in person

xXuan probably just upset he made a bad trade and now he's stuck with a ship nobody wants. Learn your lesson and move on or this thing will be burning a hole in your pocket for a long time.

40Bil are u guys smoking crack?!?!?!?! really???? max 15-19bil

Players on GAMA server are kinda of slow. I see the problem now.
Turtle ships are not popular here either lol. Maybe there are less than hundred active maritime in the whole server. Farm boys fight each other using sticks, they don't know how to fire machine guns. I can understand.
MKW was 1b ship until some good player demonstrated how to use it properly. Now it's 3b - 5b ship.
stone age is a bit boring for men but fun for monkeys ^_^

i hope u didn't use alt account to file the complain. And i hope you are a decent man that never do anything illegal. But u do sounds like dirty loser that your brain size is smaller than my balls. And i wish you good luck for your justice fight against resellers.
If any GM happened to read this, I hope you could consider to bring this up: Just change the setting back to One computer one game. Do that, NM could sell more strongbox, skill note, shared storage etc.
Ducats Inflation is very bad now. People used to blame multiboxers who run trade. But dungeon digger produce a lot of ducats everyday too. ESBT is bug, how can people flying around the earth with that much goods in them? And the $3 for 200m package, 70% off promo is one of the worst business decision. You earn some quick cash at the cost of making new players' life more difficult. Those new players haven't pay to play yet. But you need them to grow, to pay later.

lol the fake xXuan has been trying hard to provoke more dumb heads against me. But this time you got your point. Well said, nice work ^_^

Complaining about resellers is as idiotic as complaining games are getting to realistic to hard or winning about wanting to battle pve dumb dolls instead of real ppl...losers will be losers n never will get the true essence of gaming, in their little minds gaming is a dumb down experience of reality so they can feel more successful, take that away from them n they will complain even n earth about it...xXuan you are one of best PVP traders in UWO don't let jealous trolls ruin u game ! Cheers :)

(...they will complain *HEAVEN* n earth...)

Thanks ^_^

Meng Meng
i thought selling ships through paypal or any other means of real payment was very much against UWO terms of service? am i wrong?

jus wanna tell all new players to look out for resellers. they r easy to spot. always around at seville shouting want to buy a long list of ship n want to sell a long list of ship. dont get troll. check out all the comment in the ship info to get a better understanding of what ur ship worth. for example, there was a guy trying to buy my Mindiaman with 50m n kept telling me its junk and he is helping me to get rid of it. -.- gd luck everyone. cheers

im a loser, want to pay me real money for a silly game. my mom needs my rent money for living in the basement

lol,just see . now Gama have a new reseller , Megamind and his alt xXuan :P

when i just got back to game last month, i was selling sword, Armour, on bazaar for 20m, 30m each. Never thought that my name was to be talked about among others.
two things to be cleared:
1. xXuan did not, and will not sell ships for real money.
2. If you are about spend real money in game, spend on Netmarble, not resellers. Let NM earn some $$$ so that they could survive and provide better services.
and lastly, may the fake xXuans jerk themselves harder, harder, HAAARRRDDERRR

and i have to say, i like those fake xXuans. They are so entertaining hahaha

one other thing need be cleared:
3) if you send me pic of your penus, I knock off $100 from price of HSFCV
4) only round eye penus picture. I hate you all but your penus make me happy

i ll send ya pussy pick :)

i can add rubber dick to that
Stop it, doing this wouldnt change anything, you think he'd give up reselling if you do this ? Besides reselling is not a scam, take it or leave it always your choice.

Reselling isnt a scam but using multiple accts/ computers to do so is.... Netmarble dont care tho. It obvious the player spends tons on nc and thats all that matters. That why cml and his alt army dont get in trouble for multi boxing tho ita clear as day he does(aka. ~M~ , Blackdepths, youknowwho, there atleast 3 more)

Buy my ships

WTS MLA for 7500USD Cash only

xXuans mom
he thinks there are losers as pathetic as he, and would pay real money

7500 usd??? are crazy??? 750 usd is high for this ship, and 7500 is crazy...

Hi screw you all, i got warning from GM & now i can sell in real money, i decided to go for 1 MLA = 5 x AFCV now instead of 2. Good luck all you cheap poor bastard.

yea , me not wanting to spend real money on a in game object makes me poor. LOL at your pathetic life.

Xiao Wei
lol ay xxuan, there is this thing called life get one loser ;D

Port Official
xXuan high school reunion, if graduated yet or ever
so what are you doing these day, I'm living in mommy's basement playing games and selling ships. real ships? no?!?! so whats the point? making money! oh, as people scurry away afraid the loserness will rub off

your parents still alive? are they really proud of you?

you guys really wish to talk me into death do you? well carry on.
For fake xXuans, leave your home addresses i will send each one of you my used under wear. It smells great i promise.
Stop impersonating me. If you wanna buy then pm me ingame im always in seville. If not then stfu. Only gonna reply to serious buyers.

Wen zhi
why does Xxuan above has a blue color compared to other xXuan's comment?

because he is fake one!!! can't you see some of xXuan sounds so stupid, no way he can be a successful reseller that everyone talks about?
Hate me or love me, u know my name now.
It means it is an account so is more likely to be the original one.
As you can see, my name is Blue.
It generally doesn't have to be the original one. It might be fake, etc.

fake xXuan is an asshole, im proud working as rolegold ducat seller, so STFU!
But most of the times it is more likely to be original then the others.

wtf is everyone acting like they are in highschool... honestly ITS A GAME dont get pissed about it.... jesus christ the more u get pissed the more it controls ur life... ffs this is one reason why i hate MMO RPG because of highschool drama shit

You know the best way of dealing with high school drama shit? Ignore it. Stop responding to this crap and it goes away.

lol its hard to ignor it when u are looking up information and reviews on a ship when its right there in post form.....

just ignore them thats it. as my friend says " don:t feed the trolls"

xXuan is this still for sale? What's your PayPal info?

MLA ticket for sale, PM me offers :)

Mei Hua
- Ship Skills: Direct hit prevention, Training bomb, Command post, Rowing Assistance, Pre-emptive attack and Attack prevention net

Ming Mei
How much does it cost in ticket ?


Wen zhi
only 20b

Mei Hua
So crazy!! I This price is under 8b.

those guys are crazy --' price is 6-8b ticket

ALA is around 6b. MLA is 20b+. It is the best ship there is for melee battle... unfortunately melee battle isn't very popular any more due to deck battle. This thing is still a nightmare if you are in a MSF or any of the ironsides though.
Now here comes the jerks to say how wrong I am and troll all over the forums. Enjoy :)

this ship is good for melee AND DECK BATTLE, assult deck skill with 330 sailors is somewhat the best u can have to trigger deck battle
this ship is the deck battle king aswel as the melee king

Good logic except theres less than 10 on server so in order to get one you must really impress a seller. This ship is same price as Hsfcv which is 35b as ticket 40b+ modded.


It is good for deck battle but the MKW beats it for a fraction of the price, that is why I did not mention it. And as for the 35b to 40b+ price tag, I just don't see it. It is still a niche ship that does not see much use and there are only a handful of people who have that kind of money (and most of them do not actually use the ships they buy).

Whats different from MKW and ALA you just sail in straight line with DHP and click deck battle anyways so it dosen't matter
In my view, this ship is like the AFCV of the galleys, multipurpose.

Speed is the difference. Though I guess a couple seconds doesn't really matter. You're going to get decked by either of them regardless. Hmm, AFCV of the galleys, I kinda like that but maybe that fits the FLR better? You'd probably know better than me though, Battousai.

There is no assault deck skill on this ship. Only ALA has assault deck skill.

Uh, you sure Enver? Because Modified "Large Atakebune" is a Large Atakebune, and that ship does have ADB.

Either way. Direct hit prevention, command post and premptive attack (orig) is one heck of a combination on a galley like this.

With a price tag of 30-35b this is seriously over priced only due to limited amount on server with such low sailing reqs anyone can sail. MLA DOES NOT have Assault Deck skill either! Not to mention how slow in battle/sailing because it only has 1 studded sail slot. If its deck you want to force MKW is much cheaper, much faster and has Deck Assault. ALA is less than 10b and is the same ship but HAS assault deck still. This ship shouldn't even be 20b. I would much rather have a HSFCV FIS or AFCV than this ship. People that think they can trade this 1 for 1 for HSFCV are insane. No true maritimer would give HSFCV up for this slug.

It's really not slow at all if you have decent rowing skill. This is just more of a late game ship for Maritimers with high ranked skills. Get a CLR (most adaptable and more forgiving for mid levels) to grind your skills in, but you will want this late game, no doubt about it.

Ghostcry is offering 5bil for this ship to new guys.
Dont trust that reseller! Its people like this that drives the resellers reputation down!
This ship is worth 25-30bil!

5 bil is the Assault Large Atakebune. This one is 30bil.

WTS this ship for 85 bil pm me

Whats the going rate on ticket/fresh/fail?


30b is a little high for unmodded. 22-24b seems more accurate, 30-32b for godmod 8/8

35-40b for ticket

35-40b for ticket

WTS this ship 5 bil
ING EGYPTHERO or ArabianMarshall
its a scam i didnotsay that its some stupid guy wants to take my MLS for 5b max
hm this ship
hard to put price on it
ther hawe benn 10 or so tickets out of tbox
thats way its so expensive and non of people who got them sell them
so thay are 25-30 bil for now when we will get more out of tbox
price will go down its will be same range as HSFCV when market gets them
personaly i ahwe seen only one for sell in past 2 weeks i can post ING for person but i dont think it wod be right

Best-value Ships (

Port Official
URB= Savvia = FAIL

Wait a minute Capt.HateRen you paid UWO reserve bank money then they tired to sell you a barca named Modified Large Atakebune and said it would take some time to get you the real boat when u pointed it out WOW typical Savvia


Savvia your 2 years of scamming has destroyed your reputation in UWO, you have slandered many respected names in UWO like CPC, Montador, Battousai, loskaos, MarcoS, zcc, and many more, because they exposed you for what you really are to prevent you scamming anybody else, UWO is a community united AGAINST you. you have failed, you just havent accepted it yet, read the posts, the hate, the distrust in you and URB from us ALL, realise this zachasy, you have failed, and hard! so time to go now, try something else. bye.

At least URB tried to give you something they just cut off all contact with me after I paid them the money

Let me paraphrase your story:
1) Your met the URB toon and saw the "Modified Large Atakebune" battle barca.
2) You lost your mind and clicked "confirm" even though you know it is an "MLA" bacca.
3) You love your MLA barca so much that you make full payment for an MLA.
I have to say, either you are lying or you were drunk!

@Lena No he said he saw it was a barca and rejected the trade then savvia said he will get it off another account and never did then he cancelled payment and by before the jazzmin incident I think he means before she was actually banned and the shit storm started

Price check? Ticket- 8/8?.. Anyone selling?

Yea, I don't want your bullshit you loser.

WTT MSupF 8/8 + ducats for ticket or x/6. Try friend request if pm not getting through cause i'm often on Private status.

WTT fullmodded MSupF/FIS + ducats for ticket or x/6. IGN: Natener.

Maybe if u traded both ships youd have a chance....

Mei Hua
lol , try both of those ship and one more

the "+ ducats" is meant to make up the balance... it's not just a ship for ship offer

Price check ticket?? 8/8??

This ships is still extremely rare. I doubt there is 10 in the server. This ship is priceless, you have to really impress a seller to get. Id offer 30-35b for a ticket, 8/8 who knows 40-50b, maybe 2 8/8 AFCVs .

WTT/S MLA 8/8 Venice (Training Bomb, Direct Hit Prevention, PreEmpative Attack*) Max Sails, Max Dura, +6 Turn, +8 Wave, +17 Armor (view specs on UWO marketplace) I am not looking for anything particular, just max value. I will trade/sell to the highest bidder value wise... PM me IGN Nsblend with OFFERs only. Do not ask me 'how much' or I will have a few choice words for you. Trolls/URB go away.

How much?

How much?

How much?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]11-23-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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[Purification FleetA]01-25-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-28-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-28-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-28-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-28-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]05-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-12-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-27-2014
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[Purification FleetA]11-18-2014
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[Purification FleetA]06-09-2015
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[Purification FleetA]02-11-2018
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Price Check For this Fresh and Full mod plz .
WTB fresh MLA , leave IGN , i will pm. tyvm
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