Spanish Military Wooden Paneling
Wooden paneling to change Ship Material to Spanish Military.
Durability: 111% / Speed: 105%
Light Standard Heavy
change ship material / Development 66,000 Invest 660,000
Making Spanish Paneling

Spanish Military Wooden Paneling


How to create the military
wooden paneling used by
Spanish forces.
Obtained Info
Seville - Shipwright(Town's mans Recipe) 1,500,000 Investment
Available from the Holidays Mystery Bottle (released 12/26/14).
Spanish Military Wooden Paneling
"Used in ship improvement, changes ship's base material to Spanish Military use (Wood). Same speed bonus as the fastest Teak panel but slightly more durability. Best for Adventure and Merchant ships."
Its too bad that townman's recipe will never become available in Gama server.
Huh. Do we know that for a fact?
With producing these panels i advise refine handicrafts 1st. I produced 12 panels, i had 4x OSPs and 4x Special Ship Paints returned to me by the refine handi perk.
Thanks Marcos for testing! More Panels to sell for us =)
I thought the recipe would "never become available in Gama server?" *G* Kidding aside, that is excellent news/advice, MarcoS. Thanks so much for sharing it with us; glad to see you around again.
Thanks Guilder, I sent you a mail ingame. I wasn't really testing wsp, just making panels to sell and noticed I was getting mats back which I wasn't expecting on this kind of recipe without GS etc
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