Purchase Request Ticket (No.2)
A ticket for requesting those
who moved into the Company
Colony to purchase various items.
Requires open space in inventory when used.
in 100
25x Miser's Chains (3)
23x Portuguese bouillabaisse (25)
12x Tribute Goods for Brigands
11x Fine Tribute Goods (Large Ships)
8x Request Investment Book (5)
6x Purchase Order (Category 3) (5)
5x Purchase Order (Category 1) (5)
4x Renegotiation Demand
4x Purchase Order (Category 4) (4)
1x Purchase Order (Category 2) (3)
1x Veil of Virtue
182 x tickets opened
PO1 x 5 10 5.49%
PO2 x 3 7 3.85%
PO3 x 5 11 6.04%
PO4 x 4 4 2.20%
Portuguese Bouillabaisse x 25 32 17.58%
Tribute Goods for Brigands 29 15.93%
Request investment book x 5 29 15.93%
Miser's Chain x 3 38 20.88%
Fine Tribute Good (Large Ship) 20 10.99%
Veil of Virtue 2 1.10%
No renegotiation demand was found in the 182 trys.
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