Captain's Secret Log
Book for enhancing Aide abilities. Allows the Aide to learn a new skill.
Paracelsus' Alchemy

Raising a special Aide

A method of creating tools that can be bring out the hidden talents of an Aide.
Obtained Info
Venice - Paracelsus(Town's mans Recipe)

Any idea what this and it's little cousin that goes into it are?

I think 6that is the book wich adds additional skill to aide.

Cool alchemy gonna finnaly become usefull.....

Meng Meng
is dis 2nd age thing?


when this will be in Astro's shop?

it won't it's an alchemy product

The book is called "Captain's Secrets" and it allows you to add 1 skill (any kind) per aide. Aides level has to be at least 50+, and cannot be undone or changed once you chosen the new skill for him/her. The book obviously isn't out yet, and wont be until Chapter 2 of 2nd age comes out.

aide total level 50+ or just 1 level?

By then everyone will have op guns ^^

Looks like this will be pay-for. On the plus side, the screenshot (in Korean) shows it be used on an aide whose levels are 30/30/30, so... maybe it will be worth buying, after all.
there are several type will be on astro shop if I have to of it will be with expired time(1hour,30days or so) and another one is permanent(golden colour)...

Helpful as usual ReaD!

When you add a skill to your aide, can you choose between +1 to something like accounts or gunfire, or can aide-only skills like cat breeding and nation correspondence be selected as well?

is it a permanent change or only temp? and is there an average price at which these sell at yet?

Confirmed Recipe isn't available on

Are these even in the Astro Shop yet? I looked through it several times, and swear I didn't see them anywhere.

Well, these, or the recipe ingredient versions. Of the recipe itself missing, I can only go o.O and hope it's an oversight.

it is out now on gamma i guess! any confirmation of its precise use?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-30-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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i'm glad the admins are finally taking action against these troll/nonsense comments

Yay! Goodbye pointless and offensive comments! :D Thanks DB moderator!!!

I appreciate the moderation however, what I said is true.
This item will come to gama as a paid item and will have temporary duration and there won't be a free variant, according to the CAs

Meng Meng
well , its thier choices , we're the player , we CANNOT! judge it , as its a free to play game , however , its OGP , its the bunch of nerds who says "gosh dont give me money kids , u're making me rich , STOP!" , we dont know that YET! , even the CAs cant sure about it. we should wait before we can thrown rocks , words at em

oh and im truely sorry , i forgot , thanks for all your supports ...

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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According to wiki.This will be in April's Bottle.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-31-2014
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Meng Meng
u say they havent played for 6 months and probably never will ? , so that means ... oohh , is that what i think it is ? u mean they're stupid ?
well , yet u're not one of em though, doesnt it makes u stupider than em ?
they're helping people , atleast pay some respect!

[This comment has been deleted by a moderator of this site.]
is this out yet?
is this out yet?
I looked at the Paracelsus recipe list for alchemy and only the R1 recipes are showing up for me. I'm assuming it's because I don't have alchemy, so I wouldn't know if it's really there or not. In anycase one of the items needed to make this,
Aide Training, hasn't been released on GAMA yet so it's not currently possible to make these.
I think will never see this in gama as a free item, its too OP.
If we see it in to the future it's for sure it'll be paid item.
There is an astro item that allows to change one aide skill for another, I don´t know how it exactly works but I think it's for changing extra skill provided by royal fleet feature but it only last 3 days.
This item is too good to be true I wonder if it will be implemented on GAMA soon, well, I wonder if it will be ever implemented. This items make royal fleet feature almost useless... Rising aide levels to 50/50/50 plus all traits 100 and 100 trust it's aliving hell, it takes INSANE amounts of time and EXP, it's way easier to rank up arms and management to r10 and shipbuilding to r20 than leveling an aide to 50/50/50.
A few weeks ago I saw an astro item that had a description somewhat like this (can't remember the exact words): Allow to change an aide extra skill for any another if there is any, it last 3 days.
I saw it a available a just few days on astro shop but now it isn't available and there is no record of that item in this DB. I wonder what happened there, maybe OGP accidentally sliped that item in the astro shop or it was intentionaly but what I see they regret that decision and undone it, retriving that item from the store.
I guess that item allowed to change any extra skill given by royal fleet feature for another of your choice but it was for 3 days only, it wasn't permanent.
1. No, it probably will never appear in a free-to-play server. Sorry. I'd suggest writing KOEI about it, but odds are they wouldn't probably be all that impressed/interested in what we international players have to say.
2. IIRC, Royal Navy has monthly benefits, including Aide Voyage Records that boost Aide EXP, and improved influence with the Aide's nation (except EA aides), so it's not entirely rendered obsolete by this item. I'm pretty sure this item predates Royal Navy for Aides, update-wise, but that feature was still debuted even in the Asian servers despite this item existing and being available.
3. These items:
Captain's Manual (15 days)
Captain's Secrets (30 days)
... were definitely for sale in the Astro Shop in the past (April 2014); the 30-day version was removed some months later (October 2014), while the 15-day version has also seemingly been removed from the shop, but has shown up pretty regularly as a bottle drop since. The 15-day item was even in the recent King Minos Premium Bottle (June 2016).
4. Never heard of a three-day version of the above items. How did Instructor Matthias put it... "Sure you aren't imagining things?"
5. Aide EXP gain is sped up by the use of this ship skill:
Aide's Cabin -- Consider it essential to Royal Navy grinding.
6. Maxing skills (even Management/Arms( and raising Aide levels is comparing sharks to sardines, really. Shipbuilding's not so hard either, if you know what you're doing (and especially if you use prof. boosting items). Aides require actual experience, like players, but at a greater rate.
I have one of there.Have not used it yet though.Was in the bottle..
Wow, is that possible? I mean, that methodic, unfunny people like Guilder exists? Bro, do you even enjoy the game?? You sound very cocky and arrogant.
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