Anyone know where to obtain one of these from? Thanks for any insight you may have...I've a sneaking suspicion it's a TH item.
Pets find them IIRC.
1 location I've is South West Atlantic Ocean, using surrounding search (sea) pet skill.
I've *seen (on jap wiki)
IIRC I got mine in British Isles North,using Area Search (Land) pet skill,& it's a TH item indeed
yeah jap wiki mentions british isles north, i couldn't make out much of it through translation, thanks RvZ
Great, thanks for the info guys.
Technically, "TH" refers to Treasure Hunt themes with relic rewards, while this item is part of the
Footprints with Friends (No.2) Memorial Album and can only be found by Pets in specific land and sea zones. It does not appear even in charted landing zone item lists, so it's a hidden treasure hunt of a different kind I suppose. To continue and expand on the topic at hand...
If you wish to hunt it out for your MA, your best chance of finding it is to acquire both the
Pet Training skill and a pet that has Area Search (Land) or Area Search (Sea), then spam Procurement/Collection; Additional Discovery and Pet Plunder (Land and/or Sea) can also work, but potentially at much a lower probability rate. Visit the Pet Training skill page for further details and links to some handy pet guides under the comment section.
I'm not sure about ocean zones, but according to a JP blog you can find this particular Pet MA item using a Pet with Area Search (Land) skill at the following landing points:
· British Isles North
· Galapagos Island South Coast / Galapagos Island Interior
8,000 total fame to equip
Cannon Fire Null
Hope that helps. Cheers.
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