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  • Footprints with Friends (No.2)
    Record of various items collected while traveling with pets.

8-item Album consisting of items located by Pets with certain skills (Land and/or Sea Search, Land and/or Sea plunder, and Additional Discovery) so long as you have:

1. A pet with one or more of the listed skills (presuming you have high enough Quarters rank to equip said pet)
2. Pet Training skill (appropriate skill ranks also required depending on Pet)
3. Sufficient Intimacy level (depending on Pet)

See the pet guide by yuTo on the Pet Training skill's comment section for a list of pets and their available skills; if necessary, further details not yet listed on that guide such as Pet Training skill ranks/intimacy levels needed to unlock pet skills can be found at: gvo.gamedb.info (JP wiki)

Item List:

Tortoiseshell Charm
Unicorn Horn
Peacock Feather Earrings
Shell Necklace
High-quality Whale Baleen Fishing Gear
Snake Shell Charm
Cat Whiskers Charm
Meteorite Protective Talisman

Album reported to: Queen Consort Maria (Antwerp)
Album Reward: First-Class Merchant's Training Techniques

Details on their respective pages. Cheers.

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