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      Surviving the Desert
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      A merchant who trades long distances overland has put in a request. He wants to extend his trade routes across the Arabian peninsula, but is worried about supplies. He has asked us to confirm if their is anything along the route that can be used to supplement his supplies. You should start gathering information around Muscat.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.Muscat - Market Keeper 2.Basra - Travelling Archaeologist 3.Ur - near the ruins Prequest [IMG:31][QUEST:99994469] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01]1. A Notorious fruit If you are looking for some food to help you get cross the desert i know just the thing. I don't carry it here, but it is good for you and easy to store. And it's well known in these parts and it's been part of the food supply for a very long time. There are some old ruins north of Basra. Well, maybe you should find more in town there. [IMG:01]2. Seed from the Ruins I know the fruit you are talking about. it appears to have been common in the cities that flourished in this area. After hearing of your discovery of Ur, i went there to look around myself.I found a number of what appeared to be seeds of that plant there. It is quite likely you will be able to find the tree those seeds come from in the vicinity of these ruins. It might be worth it to go and look, at least. [IMG:06]3. In Search of the Tree of that Fruit I found information about a fruit that should be good for desert travel. They say it is nutritious and can be stored. The fruit is often seen in desert areas , so it is likely that the tree the fruit comes from can also be found there. I was told seeds had been found in the ruins of Ur. I will head there and investigate.

                • Discovery
                • Date Palm ★★★★ (Plant) Exp:700 Fame:228
                  A tree found in the Mid-East and in
                  Northern Africa. The tree grows to
                  over 15 meters in height, with leaves
                  as long as 3 meters.
                  It was highly prized in areas like
                  Mesopotamia and Egypt for its highly
                  nutritional fruit.
                • Location
                • Ur

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