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The Fragrance of the Bible
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
If I remember correctly, you once investigated the Old Testament at the request of the scholar in Seville. Right? Well another request from that scholar has reached us here. He would like us to investigate a fragrance called Galbanum that appears in that Old Testament. I'd like you to handle this for us. First, gather information here in town.



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Aden - Apprentice Merchant x2
Northwest Basra Prequest
A bible for all 


The Septuagint 

What Burns on the Alter
The Old Testament? Galbanum? I do believe I have heard of it before, somewhere. Oh that's right. I once overheard another voyager like yourself. Apparently it is written somewhere that it is one of the ingredients burned on the alter. But apparently, it's not clear today exactly which fragrance that is.

The Fragrance of Introspection
But, I also heard that something that might be it can be picked in the vicinity of Basra. The fragrance can calm the wildest emotions. It's almost miraculous, you could say. The oil is made from the plant's resin. So if you were to make a small cut to the root of the plant, you can check the fragrance from the oil that comes out.

The Fragrance Plant
I have received information on what may be the fragrance sought after by my patron, but I still cannot say for sure yet. Still if the resin which makes the fragrance can be bought around there, then it's likely the plant grows there as well. I should go to the outskirts of Basra and search to the North there.
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
Ferula Gummosa 1 ★★★★ (Plant) Exp:690 Fame:287
A plant commonly found in the
mid-east. It's stalk grows to around
2 meters in height, with yellow flowers
growing at the end. The oil taken from
its sap is used in perfumes and medicine.
1. Talk to Apprentice Merchant in Aden 2x
directions from flat boulder in sw, west 32m north 241m.