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      Where you keep your valuables
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Maritime Guild
      A sailor staying in this town is looking for a skilled voyager. He needs someone who can take care of his valuables. I'm sure he would hire you. If you're interested, talk to the Seafarer at the Tavern.
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                        Glad you came. I heard from the Guild you're well-established and reliable.
                        Now, what is your philosophy on gunnery? I'm very particular when it comes to gunnery, so I need to make sure you have what it takes.

                        Hmm... You're quite talented! I even like the way you speak in a calm, conscientious manner while maintaining eye contact.
                        Ok, I've decided! I will trust you to look after my lady. Please protect her!

                        I'm sorry I was a bit upset... Let me calm myself so I may explain more thoroughly.
                        To tell you the truth I am a pirate. I haven't seen any of my fellow pirates since I have left them a while back.
                        But this bird belonging to my lady flew to me a few days ago.It was carrying a letter.

                        My lady's name is Irene. Her father is a pirate captain. Unlike him, she is such a compassionate. She helped me when I had to give up piracy so I could take care of my mother.
                        But now she's asking for my help as her father is trying to force her into a marriage of convenience.

                        "My father has decided to arrange a marriage between me and a pirate captain from Tortuga as proof of goodwill. As you know promises between pirates are almost unheard of. I need to escape from this madness. I need your help."

                        She is a true heroine who helped me quit piracy. I have been looking for someone to hide and protect her, as a way to repay what she's done for me. It must be someone strong enough to protect her from her father and her fiancee. Anyway, you seem like a strong... Huh, what?

                        Oh, no! That person must have been eavesdropping on our conversation just now! He fled the town when I caught his eye. He must be a Tortugan bandit, judging by his outfit. I didn't expect them to be watching me... All will be for naught if they learn of our plan. Please go after him, now!

                        Tortuga Pirate Lvl.18, Santo Domingo Outskirts

                        Please be merciful! You are right. I was sent by the pirate captain of Tortuga and eavesdropped on you, but I very much object the marriage!
                        My captain tried to cheat me of my pay. Such a miserly man! I can't tolerate him marrying such a nice girl like Irene... So I'm on your side!

                        The spying man ran away by reflex when he was spotted by the Seafarer. And he doesn't seems to have any intention of reporting back to his pirate captain. He can't be fully trusted, but his feeling towards Irene seem genuine.
                        Let's take him back to the Seafarer.

                        Seafarer(Santo Domingo)

                        You got him! We need to keep our guard up. More spies could be close at hand...
                        Can you harbor my lady at your residence as a steward once she manages to escape from her father? I don't think it's a good idea to drag her round when there are eyes and ears everywhere. Don't worry about the bandit. I'll take care of him.

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