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- Required
Celt Shield
No Expiration
Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
You've made a few report on the Celt culture, haven't you? Apparently they found some writings in the London archives, and the scholar needs someone to check up on what's written. You read Celtic write. I could really use your help.



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[IMG:21] [QUEST:99993319]
[IMG:22] [QUEST:99998019]
1. [ZONE:90005181] Read [DBLINK:30000025] (2x) (Needs [DBLINK:30000161]) and [DBLINK:30000150]).
2. [ZONE:90005173] [DBLINK:30000020] At the end of the bridge to Royal Palace.
[IMG:02] Celts and water
Water gave many gifts to the old Celtic people. It gave the gift of healing, and the gift of the future. Pure clear water had the power both to heal the body, and at the same times, destroy life. Furthermore, water was thought to create the veil between this world and the eternally peace of the next.
[IMG:02] A tribute to water
And this is why the old Celts viewed making offerings to the Thames river such a natural thing. The water gods who lived there saw all life and death. The gifts they prepared for the water gods were elaborate. Among them was the shield made of bronze.
[IMG:06] In the Thames
Apparently, there exist offerings made by the old Celts to the river. The Thames river cuts through this town, as well. Perhaps it might be worth it to search near the river.
- Discovery
Battersea Shield ★★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:840 Fame:349
A trove of shields discovered near
London. Primarily bronze but also
including some wooden shields. From
the decorations, it is believed to be of
Celtic origin.