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      A Tree like the Mulan Magnolia
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
      You're the one that found that Magnolia plant, aren't you? Apparently there is a plant like that on the continent to the north of us here. It was important enough to the Seville Scholar to send us this investigation request. For us, having someone like you who is already familiar with it would be ideal. You can start gathering information around the Tavern here.
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                    Pre-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99996775] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000077] - Talk to Barkeep 2.[DBLINK:10000077] - Talk to Wayra 3.[ZONE:90001114] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] in the northwest corner near the red flowers Unlock-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99998018] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Vague memories That Mulan Magnolia you were talking about... I remember hearing some of those colonists saying they saw some kind of tree that had flowers that looked like the Magnolia when they landed to the northwest of town. But if you really want to know about flowers you should ask Wayra. [IMG:01] The Branch I received a branch of that tree from the colonist. The flower petals were small and white, and the front and back of the leaves were a different color,. It was a little different from the Magnolia you were talking about. The branch they gave me is all dried out now. I'd really like to see it a gain though. I wonder if anyone will bring a branch for me? [IMG:06] Focus on the differences We received information on a tree that has flowers resembling those of the Mulan Magnolia. We must go and find it. We'll have to keep in mind the differences with the standard magnolia. The area is supposed to be northwest of Santo Domingo. We land there and head to the northwest.

                      • Discovery
                      • Southern Magnolia ★★★ (Plant) Exp:500 Fame:224
                        A flowering tree that grows in the south
                        of central North America. White flowers
                        bloom in early summer. The upper side
                        of the green leaves are lustrous, but
                        the reverse side is covered in tiny hairs
                        giving it a brownish look.

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