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The will of the people in Portobelo
No Expiration
Santiago Imperial Contract
In regards to our plans of
opening a canal through the
area, we need you to gather
information in Portobelo. They
have been involved in relations
with our country for some time
now and I am sure they have
their own opinions on this matter.
We cannot let those opinions go
unheard. Go to Portobelo and
take a survey of the people's
opinions there.

- Member
- Language/Edit History
Portobelo Barkeep
Portobelo Barkeep
Portobelo Raul

The barkeep's motives
I dunno much about the land south of here. I guess after they've built the canal and people start coming and going then things will change around here again. We see a lot of scholars here because the forest in this area are full of rare plants and animals... What will happen to the forest when the canal is finished? They gonna log it?

The barkeep's worries
They'll need a lot of manpower if they're gonna start logging. Where are they gonna come from? Gonna bring 'em from Europe? No good i tell you. No matter how many men you bring, you'll never be able to conquer that forest. Well, at least things will get lively around here again. huh Raul?

Raul's motives
I'm all for some lively, I am. I might be able to meet some of my old friends again. Well anyway, that forest may be dangerous, but it'd be waste to get rid of it. Scholars and adventurers love exploring in there.

Portobelo survey report
"There forest in this area is going to cause problems for the construction of the canal. Logging alone will cost cast amount and there's the possibility that the forest if full of undiscovered animal species. Losing those would be a huge blow to our country..." I should deliver this report to the Consul.
EXP: 50
Fame: 40
I received 3 PAs for this, not 14.
that number you see is the number of comments under patriot awards, not the amount of them you will get lol