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      Wreath of flowers
      No Expiration
      Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
      A request has come from a scholar to find the largest possible flower. The idea is to report a flower larger than any other. Investigate hot places where plants grow and there's a lot of rain. It would be difficult for anyone other than an experienced Voyager. You can get the details from the scholar in town.
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                    [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005139] [ZONE:90005147] - Talk to Scholar (x2) 2. [ZONE:90005139] - Talk to Flower Woman, in the square (x2) 3. [ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Seafarer 4. [ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Parvati 5. [ZONE:90005763] - Talk to Resident, across the bridge in the far north (x2) 6. [ZONE:90001077] - Click on the Large Boulder in the northwest corner. 7. [ZONE:90001077] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] west of the Large Boulder. Unlocks: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997669] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Among the plants of the tropics Ever since trade routes have opened up to far away places, many reports have been coming in about unknown natural things. This is where you come in. In this great, big world, I want you to investigate how big a flower exist. I'd imagine that a tropical plant in a lush environment would be a good candidate. [IMG:01] Someone who knows a lot about flowers I don't have any definite information on what region is good for investigating. I know this is extremely vague, but can you please take up this request? First of all... Maybe you should talk to someone in town knowledgeable about flowers. [IMG:01] Flower larger than a man A very big flower? The ones we have here are no good? Hmm... The biggest one I've heard of is a flower bigger than a person. I'm not talking about a tree. They say that it's one flower and it's as big as person's house. If it's true, what an amazing flower, we said... [IMG:01] Man from Calicut Who did I hear about it from? The person who told me about the big flower was a sailor from Calicut. Well, I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I don't know if it's true or not. [IMG:01] A girl who likes flowers A flower bigger than a person? It seems that that flower is on an island to the south. But I haven't actually seen it myself. It's something I heard from Pearlrati who loves flowers. If you want to know the details, you should ask her. [IMG:01] Fabled flower Southeast from here on the island of Sumatra, there's a supposedly a very big flower. However, it only blooms for a few days in a number of years, so there are probably few locals who have even seen it. If you want to see it, go to the city of Palembang on the island of Sumatra and ask someone there. [IMG:01] Flower that smells rotten Yes, there certainly is a flower larger than a person on this island. But what makes it unusual is not only its size. When a big flower blooms, you'd think that the surroundings would smell good, right? But for some reason, this flower smells rotten. And on to of that... [IMG:01] Large bud from a southern island It only blooms once every few years. Even if you want to see this flower, you can't. But.. You're a very lucky person. The other day when I landed on the island from the south, I saw the bud of a flower pointing straight up into the sky. Surely it will bloom soon. The bud was near a big boulder. [IMG:03] A flower so tall you have to look upward There are a huge amounts of bugs here. There's the nasty odour of the rotting carcass of an animal. Could that be because of the stench? The source of the odour appears to be northwest of the big boulder. Looking there, it was not a carcass, but a large plant. [IMG:06] Investigation of a large flower According to what you heard in Palembang about the giant flower, it's on the island of Sumatra if you approach and land from the south. Going to the large boulder you were told of, on the northwest side, a flower as larger as a tree was blooming, facing up into the sky. Though the stench wafting from the flower is overwhelming, you should go closer and take a look.

                      • Discovery
                      • Titan Arum ★★★★★★ (Plant) Exp:1170 Fame:450
                        A large flower that easily stands taller than a person, at 3 metres, with a diameter of up to 1.5 metres. It grows in the rain forests of Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. It blossoms for only a few days every few years. The stench of this flower has earned it the name "corpse flower".

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