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- Rewards
- Required
Gem protecting kingdom of England
No Expiration
London Adventurer's Guild
I have a confidential request for you from the English royal family. You are to go speak to the crown for all details. I would like you to hurry to see the Earl of Leceister of the court.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Ruins in Ireland 


The Boyne Valley Ruins 
1) Leincaster (London Palace)
2) Leincaster (London Palace)
3) Leincaster (London Palace)
4) Barkeeper (London Tavern) -Note, you need to get a meal or drink first.
5) Angela (London Tavern)
6) Barkeeper (London Tavern)
7) Drunken (London Tavern)
8) Carlos (Bend of the Boyne/ Inland of Dublin Outskirts)

The Stolen Gemstones
Actually, this country's national treasure, the jewel known as the Black Prince, has been stolen. If this ever got out to the public, the palace would no longer have any authority over this land. That is why I have called you here, seeing as you have made a name for yourself as a famous adventurer. I want you to get back the stolen jewel as quickly as possible.

Defender of Black Prince
That jewel was presented to our country as a gift for Edward the Black Prince's valiant service where he fought with his life for our neighboring country after they asked for his help. Afterwards, the jewel was affixed to a crown, and it has been said to protect our king through countless battles ever since. We must get the jewel back at any cost.

Shadow of the pirate who vanished in the town

A perspective barkeep

Angela's Memories

Barkeeps' Hunch

Petty thief Carlos

The gemstone is in the ruins

Resolution to the gem thief incident
The stolen Black Prince jewel was given to Edward the Black Prince for his help in assisting a neighboring country. According to Carlos, the thief who stole it , its now hidden somewhere inside the Boyne Valley ruins. I have to find it and get it back o London as quickly and peacefully as possible.
- Discovery
Black Prince's Ruby ★★★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:1190 Fame:455
This gemstone known as spinel, not ruby, is over 100 carats. It is said that Edward the Black Prince received it as a reward when he aided the Kingdom of Castile during their civil war.
PM me if you have this quest plz. Willing to pay for this quest.
Ty ^^