- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
North Continent Landscape
No Expiration
Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
There's a painter who want to
paint non-European landscapes
and has been asking if there is a
good place somewhere. Could
you report on the best spot for
this client? Ah, maybe Christina
knows some information.


- Member
- Language/Edit History

1.Cristina a tavern. Lisbon
2.Visibility at sea off Cape Cod (off the east coast of the North American continent landing, 13085,2786)
Unfinished Map
Pamlico Sound
Unfinished Map
Outer Banks
Unfinished Map
Nantucket Island
- Discovery
Mount Desert Island ★★ (Geography) Exp:250 Fame:125
This island is divided in half by an inlet. Bare granite can be seen protruding from the ground throughout the island. Many animals live here due to infrequent human visitation.
I can't find it quest . I use QMP about 200 times but still cannot find. Is it something request?
JP wiki shows no requirements for this quest to appear. As long as you have Caribbean port permits and a good amount of adventure fame, it should appear. Hope it shows up for you soon.
yes! , It is need about 10k adventure fame.
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