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          Painting of faithful saveing Saint Mark
          No Expiration
          Genoa Adventurer's Guild
          Hey, do you know Tintoretto? He's a painter who has become popular recently. It seems his painting of the Saint Mark's body brought to Venice is very popular. Could you find about this painting as a request from the Guild? The Scholar in Naples is apparently researching this. Go talk to him
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                        [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005286]- Talk to Scholar 2X (Requires [DBLINK:30000157]) 2. [ZONE:90005070]- Talk to Priest 3. [ZONE:90005101]- [DBLINK:30000020] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Bold use of perspective You want to know about the paintings of Saint Mark by Tintoretto, correct? He painted it for the Scuola Grande di San Marco. its most striking feature is its bold use of perspective. You might also be interested to know that Tintoretto is not his real name. [IMG:01] 2. Son of a dyer His real name is Jacopo Comin. Apparently he came to be called Tintoretto, meaning "little dyer" or "dyer's boy," because his father was a dyer by trade. I've heard the painting in question is currently displayed in a church in Venice. [IMG:01] 3. Vivid and intense This picture shows the faithful of Alexandria saving the remains of Saint Mark from his funeral pyre. Harsh contrasts of dark and light play across the figures, bringing a vivid and tense feeling to the picture. This work is representative of Tintoretto, no doubt. Please, take a good look at it. [IMG:06] 4. Work representative of Tintoretto Tintoretto, a painter rising in popularity, uses bold perspective and skilful contrast of light and darkness to create a vivid and tense atmosphere. The painting is hanging in the church in Venice, so search the right hand wall to see it.

                          • Discovery
                          • Saint's Body Brought to Venice ★★ (Work of art) Exp:330 Fame:165
                            A painting representative of the St. Mark paintings, a series drawn for the Scuola Grande of San Marco chapel. People are drawn by the intense contrast. The painting gives a sense of tension by combining an adept use of perspective and realism.

                            in Naples, speak to Scholar x2 (Archives)
                            in Venice, speak to Priest (Church)
                            in Venice Church, use Observe and Search (Church)
                            Report quest

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