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      The Holy Grove
      No Expiration
      Genoa Adventurer's Guild
      You once researched the religion of the Yoruba people, right? A scholar has become interested in your report. He is requesting that you investigate a particular grove that is said to have connections to the Yoruba people. If you have some familiarity with Geography, do you mind giving him a hand? Start in the Sao Tome area.
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                Pre-Quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99994335] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005513] - Talk to Barkeep 2. [ZONE:90005513] - Talk to Resident 3. [ZONE:90001051] - Northwest corner of map near "Human Bones" use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000016] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] A Little Bird Told Me The Sacred Grove of the Yoruba? Come to think of it, a seafarer who said grew up on the opposite coast there was talking about about some sacred trees near a local river. That's about all I know. But this town has many Yoruba believers. If you ask around, I'm sure you can get more info. [IMG:01] Osun, Goddess of the Harvest Among the Yoruba people, they say that the goddess Osun changed herself into a river. That must be the river you're talking about. There is a grove of trees to the side of it where they say Oshun is living. She waits there to bless the intrepid believer. [IMG:06] The Grove of Blessing We have discovered information concerning a grove of trees sacred to the Yoruba where the goddess Osun is believed to live. We'll sail northeast and land on the opposite coast, then march northwest. they say it's a beautiful grove, but since it's sacred to the people, we'll limit our investigations to just finding it's location.

                  • Discovery
                  • Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove ★★★★ (Geography) Exp:690 Fame:287
                    A grove revered by the natives of West Africa. Said to be the living place of the Orisha, Oshun from the mythology of the Yoruba people.

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