- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Two Names of a Fighter
No Expiration
Naples Adventurer's Guild
You've heard of an animal called a lion, right? I've got a request from someone like you. From a Roman fighter who closets himself in the arena everyday fighting. I don't know what he's thinking, but can you help him out? He should be waiting for you in the tavern at Rome.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1-3. Rome -> Tavern: Speak to Fighter (x3)
4-6. Rome -> Tavern: Speak to Mercenary (x3)
7. St-Georges: Speak to Barkeep
8. North Luanda: Observe / Eco Research
- Discovery
Honey Badger ★★★★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:820 Fame:341
A widely spread animal who lives in savannas and plains from Africa to west and south Asia. It's skin is thick and elastic. In particular it's back is proof against the fangs of other predators. It also is resistant to poisons, like snake venom, making snakes one of its prey.