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      A flower named after a bird
      No Expiration
      Naples Adventurer's Guild
      A gentry man who loves flowers has forwarded a request to search for beautiful flowers from the New World. I'm asking you because I think you're the only one who can fulfill a request to bring back a not only a beautiful flower but once from the New World. Will you accept? A venetian tradesperson is the agent waiting. Go speak with this person.
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                            [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000023] - Talk to Venetian Merchant next to the Bank 2.[DBLINK:10000079] - Talk to Seafarer 3.[DBLINK:10000079] - Talk to Maiden 4.[DBLINK:10000080] - Talk to Maiden 5.[DBLINK:10000077] - Talk to Maiden 6.[ZONE:90001063] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] in the northwest corner near the red flowers. [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Bright red flower of the New World You've taken on the request, have you. The noble who placed the request wants a flower that is found in the New World, a plant with bright red flowers. I already have someone in Jamaica searching for the plant, so find him first and see what progress he has made. Thank you for doing this. [IMG:01] Tropical healing Ah, an adventurer to help out with the search? Excellent, excellent. I don't really know anything about flowers so I've been at a bit of a loss here. I think you'd be better off asking women about them, to be honest. I need a break before I start my end of the investigation again. The sun here sure is nice... [IMG:01] An age that likes flowers You want to know if a red flower blooms around here? Well, there are lots of flowers that grow around here, depending on the region. Yellow flowers grow here in town, but different ones might grow over in Havana. [IMG:01] Red flower of Santo Domingo You are searching for a bright red flower? Sorry, but there aren't any flowers growing around here that could be called bright red. But I have heard that bright red flowers grow over in Santo Domingo. I hope you find the flower you are looking for. [IMG:01] The flower's name is firebird There are red flowers growing to the west of here. They look like little birds, an incredibly bright red, and so the people in town have come to call them "firebirds". You only need to search places were flowers grow and you should find them, right away. [IMG:06] A flower also called the firebird The bright red flower that you are searching for is called the "firebird", and it can apparently be found growing to the west of Santo Domingo. It should be easy to find if you search places where flowers are growing.

                              • Discovery
                              • Firebirds ★★★★ (Plant) Exp:700 Fame:290
                                A flowering plant related to the banana that grows in tropical areas in the New World. Its flowers are a bright red. Some say that its shapes brings to mind a bird of fire. It is also called a false Bird-of-paradise and wild plantain.

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