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      The Queen and the Monkey
      No Expiration
      Istanbul Adventurer's Guild
      You've been to China in the Far East, right? Well then, I've got a job for you. This job is from Rossana. She wants you to look for a certain type of monkey... She's paying well, at least. What would the princess want with a monkey?
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                  Prequest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997220] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000042][ZONE:90005467] - Talk to Rosanna 2.[DBLINK:10000042][ZONE:90005479] - Talk to Ibrahim (2x) 3.[DBLINK:10000183] - Talk to City Official (2x) 4.[ZONE:90002108] - Click in the Lone Cedar in the center (2x) (requires [DBLINK:30000169]) 5.[ZONE:90002108] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] around the Lone Cedar. [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Rosanna-like Monkey Listen to this. There's a monkey in the far east that some say resembles yours truly. At first I was fuming... "Who would dare consider a monkey my equal?" But I presume it must be a very beautiful animal. I would like to see it with my own eyes. I obtained this information from a merchant who had visited the chancellor. You should probably speak with him as well. [IMG:01] Compared to a Monkey It sent shivers down my spine when I heard Her Majesty had learned about the comparison. For someone who has gained her stature thanks duly to her exquisite beauty, I can't imagine she was glad to be compared to a monkey... I'm just happy Her Majesty was in high spirits when she was informed. The merchant was from China, and he told me about the animal in detail. Indeed, the similarities are... [IMG:01] Similarities to Rosanna Apparently the monkey lives in the mountainous interior of China and inhabits extremely cold regions. It's pretty rare for monkeys to live in cold climates...just like Her Majesty, who also hails from snow country... Uh, pretend you didn't hear that. If you want to head to the towns in the interior of China, going up the river is your only way. [IMG:01] Monkey with Golden Fur and a Flat Nose You came all the way from Europe to look for a monkey? My regards. I can only think of one monkey that lives in cold regions. It has bushy, golden fur, a pale face and a flat nose. Huh? You say there's a noble woman who looks just like that? [IMG:01] Tree-dwelling Monkey Um, well, they have lovely eyes, and they are kind of charming, really... But I don't know if a girl would take it as a compliment to be compared to it... The monkey lives up in the trees normally, so they are a bit difficult to find. It comes down from the mountains at times, but you'd have to be pretty far out from town to see one. [IMG:03] Meeting the monkey ...Glancing up at the tree, you see a tuft of bushy golden fur through the branches. It must be the monkey you are looking for. As you look closely, a small monkey sticks out its face and looks in your direction curiously. When you reach out your hand, the monkey quickly removes its hand from the branch and hides the infant from sight... [IMG:03] Monkey with strong familiar ties Looked at from a different angle, that child monkey is hugging the parent and has his eyes closed. He might be asleep. The parent is fixing the child's hair. These monkeys exhibit a great deal of love for each other. I will have to apologize to the Queen, but I'm not going to break up a family unit. I hope she will settle for my report. [IMG:06] The monkey said to look like Rossana has bushy, golden fur and a flat nose. Indeed, there is a slight resemblance to Her Majesty, but it would be best not to delve too deeply into that in your report... You will declare that it is a beautiful animal with golden fur with a lovable temperament. Take one last look at the monkey before you go.

                    • Discovery
                    • Golden Snub-nosed Monkey ★★★★★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:1040 Fame:400
                      Monkey inhabiting the cold regions of western China. Covered in long orange hair.
                      Characterized by its blue-white face and its smashed nose.

                      Need ecological research r10 at lone cedar tree(not need biology in this step).

                      step 6&7 doesnt require chinese

                      I'm doing this because I like monkeys

                      omg , from Istanbul to Chongquing

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