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      Tu Di Gong
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      I read your report on the Firewalking Mikoshi. This time you need to investigate the god who rides in the mikoshi, Tu Di Gong. It might be related to another request--a request directly from the guild. Best of luck! According to the report, the Nanban Trade Merchant in Anping was the one who taught you about Tu Di Gong.
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                          Walking on Ash 9 11 9 Firewalking Mikoshi
                          Tu Di Gong 9 11 1 Hok Tek Tjeng Sien Statue

                          1. Anping - speak with Nanban Trade Merchant
                          2. Anping - speak with Merchant x2 near Tavern
                          3. Anping - speak with Tavern Keeper
                          4. Anping - use Observe , Search near tavern keeper

                          1. Details on Tu Di Gong
                          Tu Di gong? In other words, the god of the land. Also said to be the god of farming and fortunes. One of the highest ranked gods of this area. However, I don't really have any in-depth information on it.
                          If you want to know more, talk to the merchant. He is quite knowledgeable.

                          2. Who's Tu Di Gong?
                          Tu Di gong? There are a lot of stories. They say he is caring and loves to help people. That's why he doesn't just aid the land, but is said to aid the harvest of farmers and the success of merchants. That's how he became the lord of fortunes. He's even worshiped on the mainland.

                          3. A Popular God
                          Of course they honor him here. He's very popular and some people even have statues of him. Come to think of it, I believe I saw one at the tavern. Anyone working in commerce likes to keep one of those statues around. Why don't you ask the Barkeeper to let you see it ?

                          4. Name for Tu Di Gong
                          Yes, it's on a shelf in the back. Go ahead and look if you like. And while you're at it, say a prayer for the success of my Tavern.
                          And by the way, Tu Di Gong is kind of a familiar nickname. The real name is on the statue.

                          5. God of the Earth and Merit
                          The god riding the Firewalking Mikoshi protects the land and supports the fortunes of the people. He is revered widely throughout the land. I shall go and see this statue immediately. And I shall also record the name it goes by among the people of Taiwan.

                          Discovery Reward :
                          950 Adventure exp

                          Card Reward :
                          Hok Tek Tjeng Sien Statue 475 Adventure exp

                          Quest Reporting Reward :
                          Quest Mediation Permit , 230 Adventure exp , 100 Adventure fame

                            • Discovery
                            • Hok Tek Tjeng Sien Statue ★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:950 Fame:363
                              The statue of a god that was born from the beliefs of abundant crops and the wishes of accumulating fortune. Mainly recognized as the god who gives wealth to people, this god is quite popular in Taiwan.

                              Actual quest name is "Tu Di Gong"


                              It's actually near the resident which is close to the gatekeeper

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