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      Clues to the royal tomb
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      You're the Voyager researching the Copan ruins right? There's a request from a Scholar for you by name. It seems research on the ruins is hard going, they can't find the royal tomb. Please give them some help. A royal tomb would be very fancy so it should be found soon.
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                    1. Calicut - Talk to Scholar
                    2. Guatemala - Talk to City Official
                    3. Copan River North Shore - secondary area through Northeast Guatemala. Use Observe and Search around northeast of map, near the temple

                    1. An investigation making little progress
                    Yes, it's rough going. There are relifs with characters all over the place with characters and there's no way of knowing which is the location of the grave of the royalty. If some special characteristic of the royal family could be established, it might be a hint which would allow the investigation to go forward but... Maybe a local knowns?

                    2. Legend
                    According to legend, the royal family of that dynasty wore necklace of a specific shape. It uses two stones to form the shape of the royal family. If the necklace can be discovered, then it can be thought of that the grave of the royal family is there.

                    3. A grave and a necklace
                    Once upon a time, the royal family of the dynasty that flourished in those ruins work a specific necklace. If i can find it, then it's the same thing as finding the grave of the royal family. The town Official said it was a legend, exactly how was it passed on down?

                      • Discovery
                      • The Royal Necklace ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:740 Fame:305
                        A jade necklace discovered at the Copan ruins. It has a piece of cord passing through a jade rod over 10cm long. At the midpoint is a hole into which another jade rod is attached, forming a T. This was the mark of the royal family.

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