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      Placed Bell
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      Have you been to any temples in Japan yet? There are many where bells are hung but there is one temple where it is strictly forbidden for some reason. There is a merchant who wants to know what that reason is. I hope he's not planning to get in the bell selling business.... For now head to Nagasaki and gather information.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. Takatsugu - Nagasaki 2. Read Theology book - Archives - Sakai 3 times 5. Scholar - Sakai 6. Observe and Search in the Temple - Sakai [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Tales from the Past I have heard that rumour before. The bell at this particular temple has some "history".... A story telling that "history" can be found in the book. Tales from the Past. You can read Tales from the Past at the Archives in Sakai. [IMG:02] Scroll 42 verse 3 A monk fell in love with a maiden at first sight. The monk, unable to cooly reject the passion, promised to visit her again on his return. The maiden waited many days, but the monk never returned... [IMG:02] The Maiden's Anger Realizing she had been betrayed, the maiden became enraged and searched for the monk. When she finally found the monk, her heart had turned to pure evil. The monk ran away and prayed for his life. He crossed a river by boat, and thought he had escaped. But the maiden transformed into a serpent and made her way across the water... [IMG:02] Final Days of the Monk The monk ran into a temple, and the priests let down a bell for him to hide inside. But the maiden wrapped her serpent body around the bell. While she cried tears of blood, she breathed fire at the bell. Once she finally retreated, the priests looked inside the bell, and saw that the monk had become a pile of ash... [IMG:01] Cursed Hanging Bell Yes, I believe I know the bell you are referring to. I believe it was removed from the temple to remove the curse that was on it. Oh, yes, I remember. It is stored at the temple here in town. Feel free to go and look at it, but make sure you purify yourself afterwards! [IMG:06] A Bell that cannot be Hung The story of the cursed bell comes from Tales from the Past. The grudge of the maiden still appears to hang over the bell. The bell is currently kept at the temple in order to remove the curse. Go and take a look at it during your investigation.

                • Discovery
                • Bell of Dojoji ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:510 Fame:228
                  Dojoji is an old temple said to have been constructed in the Nara Period.
                  There is a legend of the hanging bell that a Buddhist priest was chased by a woman and hid in the bell, and after the woman transformed into a serpent, she heated up the bell, killing him inside.

                  Pre-discovery is "Anthology of Tales from the Past" that comes from a Folklore Collection Map in Calicut Archives requiring R7 Search and Appraisal.

                  as mois said :))

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