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Shark with a long tail
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
According to sailors returning from a voyage, a shark with a very long tail was seen in the southern ocean.
I've never heard of a shark with a long tail. Sorry, but I'd like you to investigate this shark. Speak to the sailor in the tavern for details, then head out to investigate.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1. [DBLINK:10000070] - Talk to Seafarer 2x (Tavern)
2. [ZONE:90000048] - Use [DBLINK:30000035], [DBLINK:30000010] at around 3425,5125
[IMG:01] Tail as long as its body
A shark with a long tale? I saw that while sailing around the southern sea. Amazingly, its tale was half of its length. You couldn't even compare the length to a normal shark's. According to my sailor friends who have seen it many times, it uses the tail like a whip to capture prey.
[IMG:01] Shark that jumps like a dolphin
And maybe it was just because it was in a good mood, but it jumped out of the sea. Dolphins do that a lot, right? I was really surprised that sharks do this as well. I saw that shark...definitely to the southwest of Ceylon where there were many small islands. It's a little far, but it would be nice if you could see the shark as well.
[IMG:06] Investigation of a long tailed shark
The long tailed shark that you're investigating lives in the islands to the southwest of Ceylon. It supposedly jumps like a dolphin. It uses its long tail like a whip, so please do take care that you don't get attacked during your investigation.
- Discovery
Pelagic Thresher ★★ (Marine creature) Exp:350 Fame:175
It inhabits tropical areas of the Pacific. It's characteristic tail is almost as long as its body, which it uses like a whip to strike smaller fish. It can leap above the surface and has a rather docile character.

Found this a bit south of Diego Garcia, near 3425,5125
it's name "Shark with a long tail"
found this at 3450,5229 (Southeast of Diego Garcia)
Confirmed coordinates, however no dot appeared on survey map ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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