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Terror seen in the caves
No Expiration
Lima Adventurer's Guild
There's a request to find out the facts behind something frightening in a cave seen by a young man in Valparaiso.
For now speak to the client. I hope it's nothing dangerous.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Valparaiso - (2x) Talk to Young Man
Buenos Aires - Talk to Merchant
Buenos Aires - Talk to Barkeep
Buenos Aires - Talk to Resident
South America Southeast Coast - Use
Observe ,
Recognition close to the westernmost Pointed Boulder.
Quest Unlocked:
Cliff Face Drawings 



1. A cowardly youth
Ahh, you're the one investigating the cave...!? I'm grateful since i can't sleep at night thinking that it might be a ghost! One night i was taking an unfamiliar route and gost los in the rain. When i went to take shelter from the rain in a nearby cave, i saw it!

2. What the boy saw
Before my very eyes there were countless red and white things floating! They were definitely hands! I was afraid, so as soon asi saw it, i bolted. I ran without care and just happened to bump into a Merchant from Buenos Aires who saved me, and i somehow made it back...

3. Story of saving a boy
Ahh, the guy who was lost, huh? I remember him. He was extremely frightened. What's that? A cave around here with countless hands? Yes, i know about its existence. I imagine the Barkeep knows the details.

4. True identity of terror
The true form of the hands in the cave is wall paintings that the indigenous people of this region created. I think the meaning of the name of the cave itself is "Cave of Many Hands." According to the rumours, there are nearly 800 handprints. I think the people in town know more, so how about asking them?

5. Difference in feeling
That cave, huh? It's in a valley a little further inland from this town, but i don't think its that scare a place. There are many handprints of the left side, and i actually admired it as art. If you go to the place where you can land northeast from this town and go inland, you can see for yourself.

6. Cave carved by hand
The countless hands that the requester saw were the handprints of the indigenous people created as art. There appear to be a number of caves like this around here. I'll head northeast from Buenos Aires, find a place to land, and then head southeast and try "Recognition".
Upon Discovery: 500 Adv EXP
Discovery Card: 250 Adv EXP
Upon Reporting: 240 Adv EXP / 105 Adv Fame
- Discovery
Cave of the Hands ★★★ (Historic site) Exp:500 Fame:225
Cave paintings by the indigenous people. It means, cave of many hands. In addition to hand patterns in red pigment, there are also depictions of local wild animals.
It is at the very end of the landing. The absolute furthest point of the map. You could not put it any further if you tried yourself. You see the last pointed boulder on map right above here /\? That is where it is. The farthest spot. You don't even need observe for 15 minutes, just walk until you are at the very end. This will be the spot...