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      Treasure of seven colours
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      I have a request from a top tradesperson of this town to investigate about ornamentation in this region. Something about wanting to find some unusual accessories that European women would fancy... Please go investigate a bit. First you can gather information at the town bar
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                    1. Lima - Tilka
                    2. Lima - Market Keeper
                    3. Lima - Tilka
                    4. Lima - Barkeep
                    5. Lambeyeque - Barkeep
                    6. Tumbes - City Official

                    1. A daughter's duty
                    Oh... W-welcome... Um... Could you please look at this...? The trade post store owner gave me this shell... It's really beautiful, so I want to give one to my mother...
                    I wonder where you can go...to find more of this shell...

                    2. One who sent the shell
                    Oh, that shell I gave Tika? I'm real glad she likes it so much! Did you know it sparkles with all 7 colours if you light it up? Unfortunately, I don't know where you can go to find more of them. I just got mine from a sailor that stopped by here... Could you apologise to Tika for me?

                    3. Daughter's decision
                    I see... That's too bad... No, it's okay. I don't blame the store owner... I'll just give this shell to my mother... She usually likes things like this... I wonder if she'll like this one...
                    Hey. Master... Do you think she'll like it...?

                    4. Shell that shines with seven colours
                    Of course she will. Here, let me see it for myself... Why, this is the shell that's often made into earrings in Lambeyeque. Maybe that's where these shells come from. And if you go and investigate the earrings, maybe your client will be satisfied as well.

                    5. Worked shell
                    Earrings made from shells? Oh yeah, I hear they're made using these really shiny shells. You can only find those shells to the north of here, around Tumbes, where the method for working them into earrings originated. I'm sure the city officials there can tell you more.

                    6. A necklace with history
                    This earring was made long before the Inca Empire ever came into power. In fact, I believe at the time only the king was permitted to wear it. It looks like it was made a little to the north of here. You might still be able to find some if you go there yourself.

                    7. A necklace that shines with seven colours
                    This region used to produce beautiful earrings out of shells that sparkled with all the colours of the rainbow before the Inca Empire came to power. First, I'll head to the disembarkment point to the north of Tumbes, then I'll look near the red flowers.

                      • Discovery
                      • Shell Earrings ★★ (Treasure) Exp:290 Fame:145
                        Something from the middle period of Andean civilization. Shells and ore were broken to make mosaic images, and these were fitted to wooden frames. This simple but beautiful craftsmanship must have been very popular with the people of other regions because it can be found everywhere. It must have been distributed somehow.

                        I've written necklace because that's what it says on the quest information but they definitely mean earrings. Just a mistranslation. :)

                        it's near flower-red

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