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      Lightning cutting blade
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Have you heard the tale of the blade that cut lighting? Heard this rumour at the guild the other day. Now, you've investigated some exotic sword, right? So we want to ask you to look into this one. If you're interested, sail north of Manila to a place called Nagasaki and investigate it.
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                    Pre Quest
                    Hero of Islam 6 8 6 Saladin's Sword
                    Pioneer knights of Germany 1 3 1 Teutonic Knights' Sword

                    1.Tavern Keeper - Nagasaki
                    2.Takatsugu - Nagasaki
                    3.City Official - Nagasaki 2 times
                    5.Takatsugu - Nagasaki 3 times
                    8.Giant Dead Tree - Nagasaki North (outskirt of Nagasaki, east from the gate)
                    9.Observe and Search East 20m and North 64m from the Giant Dead Tree.

                    Something Extraordinary
                    A blade that cut lightning? Never heard of such a thing! Anyone who tried would draw the anger of the gods. No one is stupid enough to do that. Well, no one normal would do it. But some people aren't normal. Takatsugu might know something.

                    The Man who Challenged the Lightning
                    Yes. I once heard a story from the official here about the man who cut the Lord of Lightning. He didn't actually say who though. But I remember correctly it was done by a samurai from a country called Bungo to the east. Why don't you go and ask about it?

                    Ogre Dousetsu
                    The man who cut the lightning? That would be Lord Tachibana Dousetsu. When he was young, Lord Tachibana took shelter under a tree during a storm. Lightning struck that tree, but in the instant it struck, he whipped out his sword and cut the Lord of Lightning who was in the lightning. He is truly worthy of his nickname, Ogre Dousetsu.

                    The Blade that Protects
                    Apparently, he saved his own life but doing this. Since then, he has not let that sword out of his sight. But, that sword is his treasure. I doubt he will show it to you. Why don't you ask around town, Lord Tachibana is not the only fighter here.

                    Rumors of Lightning and Swords
                    Ah, I see you've heard the tale. Yes, if he treasures it as they say, it will likely be impossible to see it. However, he is not the only one that rumor says has cut Lightning. Occasionally that rumor does reach the ears.

                    Rumors of a Wandering Swordsman
                    In the past, during a storm in this area, lightning fell outside of town. A samurai was taking shelter there. Skilled in swordmanship, he drew his sword and cut the lightning as it fell. Now whether this story is true or not, I do not know.

                    Chasing after dubious rumors
                    I do not know if that rumor refers to Lord Dousetsu or to some unknown samurai. But if search where the lightning fell, you may be able to find something. I believe it was east after you leave the gates, over near the withered tree.

                    A record carved in wood
                    I have fought on many battlefields and against many foes, but this time I thought I was dead. Still I live after facing the Lightning. Does this mean I was victorious? Still, my body will no longer move. I shall lay this sword, the sword that brought me victory in the end, here. And I shall take my journey into the other world.'

                    The Location of the Sword that cut Lightning
                    Near the place where lightning fell, there is what I take to be the record of a man who cut Lightning. The sword that did this feat is somewhere next to this place where these words are carved. I shall find it and undertake to honor the man with the courage to face lightning.

                      • Discovery
                      • Raikiri ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:660 Fame:275
                        Japanese sword said to have cut lightning thus saving it's owner. Incredibly sharp sword said to have been made by the hand of a master swordsman. There is a mark on the blade that seems to be where the lightning was cut.

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