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Prophetic Dream and Collection of Tales
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
This is something a little bird told me... It sounds like you found "The Anthology of Tales from the Past" in Sakai. If so, the Market Keeper in Jakarta says he would like to have a talk with you. If your hands are free, go and see what he has to say.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
Pre Quest
Folklore Collection Map
Anthology of Tales from the Past
1. Market Keeper - Jakarta 2 times
3. Rest House Master - Jakarta
4. Rest House Master - Brunei
5. Market Keeper - Brunei
6. Seafarer - Manila
7. Yuki - Sakai 2 times
9. Observe and Search at Archives - Sakai

The Client's Dream
Thanks for coming all the way here. I hate to ask you right away, but it's not really a big request. Some time ago, when I was taking a nap, I saw a dream where someone told me to "listen to the stories of the Anthology of the Tales of the Past", I wasn't quite sure what it meant, but I went ahead and inquired at the Guild anyway. Do you mind telling me about the tales?

Mysterious Request of the Client
...I see. What interesting tales. It's just like my dream. Hmm... I guess I'll put my faith in those words for now... Do you mind if I request more thing of you? Can you go see the Rest House Master in town and tell him "the thing with the hemp is fine". Something good should happen, I imagine.

From Hemp to Hemp Fabric
That Market Keeper... he's always talking about the most off the wall things... Oh well, it does help to get good information from him. If you can, go tell the Rest House Master in Brunei "It's a good time for Hemp Fabric", What do you think?

From Hemp Fabric to Nasi Goreng
You came all the way from Jakarta? Thank you. Heaps of Hemp Fabric should arrive now. The Market Keeper who had been holding on the goods forever should be really happy to hear it. He's right there. Tell him, "I'm going to make the best Nasi Goreng to celebrate, so come on over."

From Nasi Goreng to Ship Sail
Hemp Fabric's time has finally come! Oh good! I'm headed for the Rest Area now... I have to tell the seafarer in Manila that I can sell him as many sails as he needs, or I'll miss a big opportunity! Do you mind relaying the message to them...?

Ship's Sails to Where the Heart is Drawn
Good thing the sails are ready. My current employer is the type who's willing to spend any amount of money in order to go out on an extended tour at a moment's notice. He says next time he wants to go to Sakai again... Heheh, I can get behind that. If you go to Sakai first, give the pretty girl in the pub a "hello" for me.

Straw Millionaire
Huh? I don't remember even remember that seafarer's face. But anyways, you surely must be worn out--coming from so far away to deliver such a strange message... Hopefully you'll be able to turn that information into something good, just like "The Straw Millionaire"... Oh, you don't know that story?

Another Folklore Collection
The Straw Millionaire was a man who received a proclomation from Kannon, and traded up a precious stalk of straw until he became a rich man... It is within the Anthology of the Tales of the Past, but... I swear I saw it in some other collection...

From relaying messages to finding a book
After exchanging several trivial messages and travelling from Jakarta and Sakai, you finally learned the story of the Straw Millionaire. Maybe this was the meaning of the requester's dream.... If you perform a search at the Archives, you might be able to find something that can reward you for all of your trouble so far.
- Discovery
A Collection of Tales from Uji ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:620 Fame:258
Collection of Japanese fables, both Buddhist and secular.
Compared to other fable collections, the stories are less moralistic and more whimsical.