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A Bridge to Love
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
I've heard a rumour that there's a bird in East Asia that brings romance. There are rumours like this everywhere, but this one in particular caught the attention of a noble's son. So he wants someone to investigate the bird. Could ya hurry to Busan and gather some information?



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1.[DBLINK:10000175] - Talk to Maiden near the Bank (2x)
2.[ZONE:90001100] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] north of entrance near the Lone Cedar.
[IMG:01] Wing Bridge
A bird that symbolizes bonds? Oh, that one. Legends say that a group of these birds formed a bridge with their wings to bring together a Prince and Princess who were separated from each other. Thanks to them, the Prince and Princess who were separated from each other. Thanks to them, the Prince and Princess were able to meet.
[IMG:01] Bringer of romance
Oh, did you recognize the story? Yes, it's like the story of the Qixi Festival. That is how this bird became the symbol of bindings and of good couples. I believe it can be found inland from the west coast of the peninsula.
[IMG:06] A Bridge for Lovers?
The information I found on the bird is not conclusive that the bird is one of binding, but seems more concerned with bringing lovers together. They say it can be found inland from the peninsula's west coast, so I will start my search there.
- Discovery
Common Magpie ★★ (Bird) Exp:370 Fame:185
A type of crow that inhabits a part of Japan and the Korean peninsula.
Produces a clicking noise when it chirps.
Its wings' white pattern is striking when flying.