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      Furious Beast at Sea
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      A Seafarer in Hanyang is making a lot of trouble by talking about a monster he saw at sea. The Tavern Keeper is fed up and has made a request to find out what that monster was. A monster... and can see why the Tavern Keeper doesn't believe him. For now, go listen to the story in Hanyang.
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              Island with Volcano 3 5 1 Cheju Island

              1. Hanyang - talk to Seafarer
              2. Hanyang - talk to Tavern Keeper
              3. Eastern East Asia - use Observe and Recognition near island south of Hanyang

              1. Seen by Seafarer
              I'm telling you I saw it! I saw the shadow of a monster while sailing along the coast of the island to the south of here. It was huge! I fled as soon as I saw it start to bring itself out of the water. We wouldn't have stood a chance against it.

              2. Barkeep's Interpretation
              I'm telling you that was the rocks of Cheju Island. There is a huge rock along the shore that looks like a dragon lifting itself out of the water. There is even a legend of a dragon who angered the gods and got turned to stone there. So can you go and check it out, so this seafarer can calm down a bit?

              3. Beginning Verification
              The monster the seafarer saw was a rock in the shape of a dragons head. Or at least that was the explanation of the Barkeep. I shall find out the truth myself. I should be able to see it from the seas along the coast of the island south of here.

              Discovery Reward :
              510 Adventure exp

              Card Reward :
              Yongduam 255 Adventure exp

              Quest Reporting Reward :
              Quest Mediation Permit , 140 Adventure exp , 65 Adventure fame

                • Discovery
                • Yongduam ★★★ (Geography) Exp:510 Fame:230
                  Rock shaped like a dragon head on the coast of Paekche.
                  According to legend, a dragon living in Baengnokdam tried to escape from the ocean, but angered the Emperor of Heaven and was turned into stone.

                  They gave you bad coordinates, you need to use recognition on coords 5910, 3100

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