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Unusual dance
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
I'm sure you know Young-He of
Hyanyang. There's a rumor that
his well-disposition daughter
is quite the skilled dancer. That might be so, but I've never seen her dance. Will you find out what kind of dancing she does? There's a reward , of course. I'm just to busy with these quest meditations to do it myself



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.Oh my, the mediator said that about me? Unfortunately, I can't perform this dance by myself. The dance only comes together with a dancer and a singer. Actually a maiden in Busan taught me how to do that dance. Isn't that great?
2.I met Young-Hee through Dancing. We also picked out fans that are used in the dance together. OH, you haven't heard? The dance requires fans. The dancer uses fans to express the feelings of the singer. I was happy to receive her advice. Oh if this dance would become more popular...
1. Talk to Young-Hee in Hyanyang (beside Barkeep)
2. Talk to Maiden in Busan (East of Port)
3. Use Observe/Search (to left of Maiden)
- Discovery
Dancer's Folding Fan ★★ (Treasure) Exp:260 Fame:130
Folding fan used in a Korean dance.
There is a wide variety of types, from those that are beautifully adorned, to those that have a simple pattern.