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The basics of navel battle
No Expiration
London Maritime Guild
About this next job, the Port Official here is bemoaning the fact that people keep getting injured and returning to port. A sea voyage certainly has its danger. But it's happened so much, they want us to go look into it. Just go talk to them.

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[IMG:01] Hello! There have been people coming back injured from sea battles recently. It reminds me what its like to fight at sea. The navy is pretty busy now, but could you go to the palace guards and find out whats happening? Wed like to warn sailors of the danger.
[IMG:01] Ok? Listen carefully. However strong your bullets are, just shooting will not settle a sea battle. When the ships meet, Melee battle starts. The pointed part of the bow on the front of the ship is known as the beak and is made to ram holes in the sides of the enemy ships.
[IMG:06] Not all sea battles are decided by artillery. Ships use there beaks to make holes in the sides of enemy ships, and then board them and start Melee battle. Now report this to your guild.